
My four year old daughter talks non stop, is there any way I could try to tapper it down?

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The chatter is not negative or anything, it's just that it never ends, even when one of her three sibblings try to speek. Help.




  1. I don't have too much advice for you. I think it's just your daughter's personality and the age she's at. My nephew is almost 4 and he's the exact same way. He tells me ellaborate stories that sometimes he just makes up or he tells me about his brothers, his toys, the car, everything!! It's cute but it can get a little annoying. Smile and laugh because she won't be this cute forever! :)

  2. I think it may be a personality thing. I'm pregnant right now with my first, and my boyfriend's mother has recently been telling me a lot about my boyfriend's past and how he was as a child. She said he would talk about anything and everything all the time (like explain in detail the beginning to the end of a movie) and he was like 4 years old. I was like "he still does that!!" Only now it's about politics and music, etc. He'll even follow me into each room as he's talking or explaining something without missing a breath or beat. You know, I hate to say it, but sometimes you just have to tune it out and be selective about what's important. And encourage quiet time, especially if you have a headache or she's interrupting some of the other kids. I know bribing is often frowned upon, but reward her with a treat if she can fulfill some quiet time with you and her siblings. This might train her for school as well. But, of course, don't ruin her spirit. I don't want to do that to my boyfriend, which is why I usually just nod and smile and let him go on.

  3. My cousin is the same way. He's 3 now and when he runs of of things to say he sings. Family has just found a way to tune him out. Sorry for the lack of advice. Good luck!

  4. i have a talkative toddler. she will even tell her siblings shut up when she's ready to interrupt them. i have to just tell her," sam, no you need to stop talking and let katie (her sister) talk!" she will continue talking, she doesnt even stop!! but i will hold her shoulders and put her up to my face and calmly say, "sam, NO! stop talking and let your sister talk. i'm going to get up and walk away if you continue to talk." she will pout, but then i address the "fit". usually i can calm her down by saying,"let's hear what katie has to say? let's listen." and she will calm down. these kids who talk alot are very intelligent, as you know and are independent and fierce! so i dont usually mind the chatter. but i won't tolerate her interrupting her siblings.

  5. Active speaker huh lol you really should just encourage the talking except at times that she shouldn't.  Like she needs to learn not to talk over others and in school situations not to talk unless told to (raise hand to speak).  Sounds like your daughter is like my son, he never seems to be quiet, he even talks in his sleep.

  6. My 4 year old is a chatter box also.  Good luck getting her to stop.  My daughter can talk about anything and everything.  We drove from Las Vegas to San Diego, which is a 5 hour drive, she talked non-stop the entire drive.  It makes for an interesting trip, but it does get a little annoying after a while.

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