
My four year old girl saw a man in her bedroom, was it a dream or real?

by  |  earlier

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Last night my four year old girl woke up screaming, ran to my bed and told me she saw a man. My partner ran to her room to see if anybody was there but there was no one. I then asked her about this man, what was he doing, what did he look like and where he was.

She said that he was standing by her door just looking at her, she also said that he looked like 'an ugly grandaddy".

I told her that it was just a dream and she seemed to accept this.

My partner told me on a previous occasion that he sometimes saw something in the hallway. Should I worry about this, or is it all just imagination.




  1. wow scary!!!!!! i would have been terrified if this happened to me - but in saying that i used to always run to my parents room when i was little as i thought i saw ghost or shadows or heard someone talking to me! i think its a kid thing!! although i'de get the locks checked on the house just incase!

  2. I wouldn't want to be alone in your house, especially at night.  

  3. Hmm, check all windows, doors, etc. before going to bed...also, depending on what tv shows she watches before bed could very well put those images in her head. If that doesn't work, Pray.  

  4. spooky!

    It was probably just a dream.

  5. Could be a bad spirit......Ask it to go away.

  6. Given that both your daughter and your partner seemed to have some experience with this character id try to investigate. Im normally a bit sceptic about ghosts and the supernatural but maybe there is something about the place your livingin you didnt know. Id suggest your partner sleeping in the room with your daughter and then switch off to test and see if it happens again. And if this really start to scary check for certain things. I do doubt that there is some person that broke in your house. Stay in the room with your daughter and if you notice things like sudden temperature drops, eerie feelings, etc. something is wrong.

  7. I agree with the camera deal, sounds like u might have a ghost, as strange or unbelieveable as that may sound.  Hopefully it's not a poltergeist.  Wut all did yur partner say about the figure?  U can also do some digging into previous owners of the house if this keeps up, I would suggest a nightlight as well if want her to ever return to her own bed.  It's a scary thing.  Wut time did she see this?  Wut time did yur partner see it?  Try to find a common denominator and then maybe see up yur camera to coincide with it.

  8. Set up a video camera and try to catch somethin on tape.

  9. it is probably a spirit of some kind, and most probably harmless. if it makes you uncomfortable sternly tell him he is not welcome and he must leave. this will usually work. because children dont question whether what they are seeing is real or not  they are more open and able to see such things. tell your daughter to wrap herself in 'white light' before she goes to sleep and nothing will disturb her.  

  10. Oh wow I have the chills!! Its stories like this that make me hate being a military wife and being left by myself a lot!! Ugggh!! I would maybe put a night light in the hallway and a baby monitori your little girls room!!!

  11. Maybe you have a ghost?

    Children are VERY receptive to ghost and they often see them as if someone was there. She might have had a bad dream... but who knows?

  12. It was most likely a dream, but maybe you should evaluate how safe your home is anyway. Check windows and locks and replace anything that isn't super secure.  

  13. Wow...creepy..

    Best way is to check your house background and find out who stayed in this house before you..and find out if there was anyone dead in your house..What you saw dosen't have to be a supernatural..sometimes its just an imagination...but better check it out..

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