
My four year old seeing his ENT doctor tomorrow. ?

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I need some advice. I have the feeling that my son doctor give me a fight about taking his tonsils out. I believe it better for my son to get them out now. And his doctor doesn't.

This past February he got his adenoids taken out. They left his tonsils alone. Since then my son tonsils has been huge. Now he snoring during the night past three or four months. He been waking up alot during the night. I know couple of times he coughing but dry. He not eating to well that he has been loosing weight. Which is Doctor he see when he sick or his check up worried about his eating. He seem to play with his ears a lot. I know they are fine because took him to the doctor once for it when he had a cold and found out his tonsils were huge at that time. He does have speech problem due to his mild hearing loss. Also I had notice when I put his hearing aid's in he says it hurts like the whole ear hurt. But then he won't wear his hearing aid's. I been trying to do research on tonsils to see want would be best. Right now I think it best to get them out. I should my foot down with his doctor to take them out now. Or should I wait and see if there be any more problems. My mom coming with me tomorrow. I know my son has asthma and he gets a lot of colds that will make those tonsils to get huge has well.




  1. You dont nessesarily have to have  continuous strep for them to remove tonsils, just talk to the dr and ask him to give you SPECIFIC reasons why he does not want them out, if he really cant then go get another dr who will take the time to really talk with you, if he gives you some reasons why not and they sound justifiable then thats ok too, he really may have some great reasons BUT unless he makes sure you are on the same page with him he cant expect you to understand, and vice~versa. I think the key here is to talk it out and if nothing resolves get a new dr! GOD BLESS and take care of that little one!

  2. Sounds like your son's medical problems have NOTHING to do with his tonsils.  

    Doctors will only remove the tonsils if a child has continuous strep throat problems.

  3. The reason it may seem like a fight is because ethically, there are guidelines they must follow and your son might not fall within the guidelines yet.

    My daughter had to go through Strep throat 9 - 10 times in one year (which she did and it made everyone else in the house catch it too - just not as often) before our ENT would remove her tonsils. They left her adenoids alone.

    If you feel something isn't right with any doctor, get a 2nd opinion.  

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