
My freaky deaky dream! What does it mean?!?

by  |  earlier

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Its pretty random. The beginning is weird and confusing, i'm stood in a long, thin, beige corridor and i'm looking through a glassless window into another beige square watching a short guy with shoulder length curly brown hair but no facial features in comfy beige clothes and hes just kinda stood there.

Then i turn around because i can sorta feel someone else is in the corridor and there is.... Whitney Houston when she was younger is stood about 10 feet away from me, the music from the movie bodyguards starts and in a kinda comical way she begins to sort of float towards me (like the alien in mars attacks that dresses up like a lady), whilst she sings to the music. She gets about 2 feet away and i woke up... what in the world does it all mean!?!




  1. Don't eat cheese before bed or stop watching so much TV.

  2. This is largely copied off Carl Jungs ideas, and I'm hardly a doctor BUT this is what I think it may 'mean'.

    The dark, windowless corridor and the presence of the 'Shadow' (an archetype which symbolizes all the hereditary and negative aspects of ourselves which we repress. In your fream, the Shadow indicated its presence with the appearence of the faceless figure-are you sure it is a man though?) indicates the presence of deeper unconscious realms of the mind. The more sexual, extroverted, tempremental and vibrant parts of your 'Persona' (the mask of personality and behaviour which you present to the world) are projected and appear as Whitney Houston. However, you fear over-identification with this false persona. What struck me was this bit:

    she begins to sort of float towards me (like the alien in mars attacks that dresses up like a lady)

    where Houston acts like something which you recognize as only APPEARING to be a woman.

    You yourself fear that, in over-identifying with your persona, you will lose a sese of 'inner self', but dread to confess to being anything except for what you tell people you are, determinedly seeing yourself through rose-tinted specs.

    It is also possible that you repress more insitnctive, bisexual habits of the mind. If you continue to do so, these repressed qualities may burst forth at inoppurtune moments, leading to possible homosexuality-or at least indicating your fear of homosexuality, which is becoming an overpowering and blinding influence. Basically, in fearing homosexuality, you may find yourself succumbing to it.

    Crazy stuff.

  3. Probably nothing. Did you think about anything in your dream the day before it happened?

  4. I'm no dream interpreter, but I'll try;

    The long thin corridor could suggest you don't see many opportunities in life, (due to only being able to go back and forth). The man could indicate a person from your past who you have left behind, forgotten about ( Because he is behind you, and has no face.)

    Now Witney represents an ambition you may have, perhaps being a singer, the fact she is floating towards you says you want the ambition to come your way.

    Or perhaps you eat too much cheese.

    BTW I'm sure you have lots of opportunities in your life, perhaps you have to go and find them, rather than waiting for them to find you, (You did after all wake before Witney reached you.)

  5. THAT means you like the color beige, you like short guys with brown curly hair and have an obsession w/ whitney houston (Youth Version) Before Her little drug problem lol

  6. wow looks like you are gunna be rich and famous in a rock band, thats because the little baige man is gunna become your bass player and the witney houstan thing shows you are gunna take her place into a singing carreer and yer =]......

    no sorry =[ im joking..... eat beetroot or cheese, you'll have an even MORE dogdy dream.... i havent tryed that, but want to...maybe i should...hehe  

  7. lol nothing at all that jus means u may have a little hidden crush on Houston's character on the bodyguard  

  8. Do you do or have you been considering doing meditation? This feels all about calming the mind and relaxation. I feel you are being encouraged to use these techniques. Its about going within and finding answers. You may not even be aware conciously of the questions, but on some level you feel a restlessness that nothing outside of you can understand,  Its a time to begin to understand the bigger picture and your life purpose.

  9. When you grow up you gonna be Whitney Houston

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