
My freeview keeps cutting out and saynig No signal? whats the problem?

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  1. make sure your card is inserted in the right slot chek the scart leads

  2. Get SKY, it's far better,Freeview may be free but it doesn't

    offer much,plus if you need an aerial upgrade it will cost you.

  3. You are probably in a bad reception area and possibly need an arial upgrade.

  4. dfg

  5. If you go to your local DIY store you will see lots of Digital aerial there. you just replace you old aerial with one of them.

    and if you need to get someone in to do it for you... at least you will know the cost of an aerial and will know how much they are putting on top just for fitting it for you ;-)

  6. Check out your aerial and the connections

  7. It's not getting a signal from the aerial!

    Have you had high winds recently that may have affected it.

    Also check that the aerial connection to the box is secure and hasn't come loose.

  8. The important thing is did your ariel work okay with digial tv before? if you upgrade your ariel, get a good few quotes, some of these installers are asking stupid money for what the job involves, trying to blind you with science to part you with your hard earned cash.

    An  installer gave me a £200 quote because he said I wouldnt be able to get a digital signal in my area without a fancy high tech ariel. which is funny because ive been using a freeview box for two years. These guys deserve consideration for the fact they climb around on your roof, but come on!

  9. Could be an ariel or cable problem or a temp  problem with your local transmitter

  10. Usually its because your aerial is not compatable and needs upgrading

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