
My freind needs help please!!?!!!?

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my friend is 13 and emailed me this.. what do i say back to her?

please help!!!

well as you know that wyatt is in florida ?

well now theirs a hurricane their and it killed 50 people .

and i just i can't live this way i ned him here.

i never told him what he means to me . and im not going to see him until im 18 . and mabe never agin . :[

i dream baout him everynight . and sometimes i see him .

but hes not their .im ALWAY'S THINKING ABOUT HIM .

im alway's depressed .

I need to tlak to him but his mom won't give me his 3. well not yet anyway.

and he has my 3 and he hasen't called me .

and i just i wan't to spend the rest of my life with him . and i just think that he doesn't like me because so many boys have lied to me pertended , bet with money. and i can't trust anyone . but i feel inside that he is telling the truth and that he really loves me . but sometimes i doubt it .

i just can't believe that somone would (love) THIS .. me

im not pritty im not nice and pritty. im not good enough . but he say's i am its hard to believe that . and i just i don't know what to do tera . i don't have anyone to tell this to .

i need help from YOU .

thats what she said.. what do i say back?




  1. poor her. but that's a pretty bold statement for a relationship between two thirteen year olds.

    sorry, but I can't help you. I don't know her or her boyfriend, so I can't actually say anything. you should comfort her, though.

  2. Ok, here it Tera keep in mind that more people feel that way than you think, BELIEVE ME. That is the curse of living in a country where everyone thinks of themselves. People need to be loved, and if love is water then America is a dessert wasteland.

    If she is convinced that this "guy" loves her then say to her "go for it" but at the same time tell her to be careful, the sad truth is that love is something that has to be earned. If it was abundant then we wouldn't have wars, and disease, and people trying to kill each other every two seconds. So be a friend, that's all I can say  

  3. You say "Your only 13 you dont know what love is"

  4. She said she needs help from YOU.

    In the entire state of Florida, 50 people were killed. I can almost guarantee Wyatt wasn't hurt. I don't think that you can really do anything. She obviously loves this Wyatt character, and you can't force him to love her back, or bring him to life if he died.

    You can't do anything.

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