
My freshman year of high school starts tomorrow and I am by no means ready ?

by Guest10956  |  earlier

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I lost my locker combo and lunch code, I don't think I have all the supplies, i don't know when my bus arrives. ahhhhh i'm stressing out please help




  1. Relax.  You can probably find the bus schedule on your school's website, and if not, just keep looking out the window tomorrow morning to see when the other kids start walking toward the bus stop.  All that other stuff you can take care of during the week.  You won't be the only one who has lost his locker combo.  Good luck.

  2. oh shoot you in trouble. well you could go shopping right after school. Its not like you need anything in the first day. Well im gonna be a freshman too in 9days so idk. And go online and put your bus # in google and try to find the time i always do it, well good luck

  3. Well,I lost my schedule.

    If that makes you feel any better.

  4. Oh dang.... Comon buddy your going into highschool you can be a lil bit more responsible. Wake up likes it 8th grade and be out there when u usually go to the bus. You might be out there 30 minutes or so but whatever. You can also maybe call your school in the morning. About the locker and lunch code ask for another they will give. And supplies.. No biggy on the first day the teachers will give you list and tell u what you need no one needs anything on the first day.

  5. Don't stress that much!  I'm pretty sure that you can reclaim your locker combo at your school's office, and check their website for the bus.  Supply sheets should be given by your teachers the first day of school, so don't be worried about that.

  6. high school is a lot better than its hyped up not to be. When you start, you'll realize how much better it is then middle school. plus, on the first day everyone helps you out with stuff like your locker, and you dont really do anything besides meet your teachers

  7. OK, so first, take a deep breath. And another.

    As it turns out, the most important thing to learn in high school is exactly this! What do you do when the unexpected happens?

    High school is just like any other part of life: it's great, it sucks, it's boring, it's exciting... it's just real. You'll be absolutely fine.

    So, as for your disorganized self -- which happens under stress out btw, it's hard to think straight -- you can ask someone in the office. If you have an orientation group, you can ask them. You might be able to ask your parents, a friend, or a friend's parent for help. If you're new to the area, you might not have friends yet, but in high school, it SEEMS like everyone already has friends but it all shifts around the first few weeks, so don't worry.

    The bus, you might find that on your school website, or ask your parent.

    So long as you have one piece of paper and a pen, you can make a list of all the things you need and work on them between day one and two.

    You are about the 300 millionth person to stress over the first day of school!  Drink a little water, and go for a walk (or something more energetic) if you just need to burn off a little energy!

    You're already doing great, asking for help!

  8. Stop worrying. everyone always seems to be so nervous when they start a new school, like I was when I did and like my little sister is now. I can't even remember why I was worried. For the locker combination, either try real hard to find it now or ask either at the school desk or someone who might know. it'll be fine because it's your first day no one will mind.

    Your lunch code, is it the same for everyone, if so ask one of your friends or someone you know will know it, if you don't, then do the same a for the locker.  Bring in a snack or something if the worst comes to the worst and you can't find it so you don't starve.

    Your bus, go on the school website and check there and if you still don't know be ready early and wait for it to arrive.

    The supplies, did you get the list already and if so ask someone tomorrow if you lost it, and if not buy them as soon as you can. I'm sure a couple of pens and a notebook will do for the first day. Hope i helped and good luck with your first day..i'm sure it'll be fine =]

  9. Ok, Ask the office or your home room teacher of you could have your locker plus lunch code because you lost it, and go out early to the bus stop! Drink tea to calm your nerves

  10. Its okay everyone gets stressed out before their first day of school. Don't worry about your supplies the teachers don't expect to do be ready and organized the first day. You can always go to the office or your homeroom teacher to get your locker combo and lunch code. I know how stressed out you can be i started my freshman year a couple days ago and i was very nervous but after the first two days you'll be fine.

    Hope this helps!!

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