
My friend's boss is trying to take back authorized time. What can she do?

by  |  earlier

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My friend's boss is a total ******! Back in March, he authorized her to take some time off for bereavement when her father passed away. She took the time and the manager paid her for it, with the owner's approval. Now, the owner is claiming that he never authorized her to take the time and he is threatening to withhold her next paycheck to reimburse himself for the time.

This is completely ridiculous as payroll is authorized by him before it is transmitted but he claims he didn't give the ok for the time and didn't notice that she had taken it. He is telling the world's biggest lie. What can she do?




  1. Ugh, what a c*nt, sounds exactly like my old boss.

    If i were your friend I would definitely find a new job, nobody should have to work with people like that. If he takes her paycheck and she wants to fight it, advise her to seek out a lawyer.  

  2. well if shes on the books, they should have a book of payments and the owner usually signs. otherwise she can sue but thats a little hardcore

  3. What she should do is find another job.  Unless she is in a union this pig can make her life h**l.  Tell her Good Luck! xox

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