
My friend's dad in Iraq?

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My friend's dad just left for Iraq yesterday and he will be there for 18 months. What should I do for her? I am making her a gift basket. What should I put in it? She likes webkinz so I am giving her a webkinz, and maybe some candy. I don't know what else to give her. Any other ideas? thanx.




  1. wines will do and a box of chocolate. oops and a lovely card

  2. Give her a BIG HUG!!!! (even if you are a guy. But don't if you feel awkward about it) and tell her you are so, so sorry and you will think about him every day. That you are there for her and you always will be for as long as she needs you. The gift basket is nice too. Also, if you are a religious person, it is always nice to say you will pray for her father, and that he may return home swiftly and safely. I feel so sorry for your friend!!!

  3. Hm, well, you are doing good with a Webkinz and candy. What you could do is maybe put in a nice homemade card, a few more stuffed animals, maybe a pair of earrings, flowers maybe, and maybe followed by a few more small items you know she would like.

  4. mabey like earing and a stuffed animal

  5. *whispers-

    You could sneak him a beer.


  6. I'm in the same situation as you.

    My friends father was deployed in March and won't be home until December 2009.

    I've found it best if you remind her of the nice things the 2 of them did with for a little bit, but don't talk about it all the time. She will come to terms with his deployment, but tell her that he will be home soon.

    My best friend has been making a scrapbook of a load of things that have happened whilst her father has been gone. She's gonna give it to him when he returns.

    I hope this helps. But please tell her when she's upset about his deployment, that he will be home.

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