
My friend's dad is really mean to my friend and her mom

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okay so my friend thats a girl is always telling me that her dad is always yelling at her for no reason. like she slept over a friends house and when she came back the next day her dad was yelling at her because she wants to spend more time with her friends than family. and he tells her shes overweight and stuff and is just really mean to her and her mom which isnt good. now i want to help my friend but i really dont know how to help her




  1. You sound like a wonderful friend, and the only thing you can really do is just be there and listen when she needs to vent about her family. And you're already doing that. :-) Give her a big hug and tell her it will be ok.  Her father shouldn't be belittling her like that, or causing her low self esteem...shame on him. Just reassure her often that she is better than what he is telling her.  Tell her to use his verbal downgrading to her advantage by doing just the opposite, not to prove him wrong, but to help her improve her own self respect and esteem. She may need to put him in his place one day and let him know that by what he says to her is not right etc. He's not helping her any by trying to enforce negetivity upon her when he's angry. He needs to do the opposite.

    I hope this helps.

  2. You cant do anything for your friend but be there for her. She needs you and if she told you all this she must really trust you. Be there as a shoulder to cry on for he when she needs you x*x

    Don't say anything to her dad, that would just get her in to trouble. Sadly you friend will have to put up with it. If really feels like she needs to she could call child services.

    I know how your friend feels. But tell her not to take what her dad says seriously. x*x sorry i couldn't be more of a help x*x it is just a sad situation that is VERY common.

  3. The sad truth is that you really can't do anything. The only people that can help themselves are your friend and her mom. It's not like you can just take them away right? Hopefully you and your friend are going off to college soon and leaving. It really isn't healthy for your friend to stay in that house, but there's nothing else she can do. Go remind her that she'll be strong enough to get passed this because it might mess her mind up mentally. You know how some mental abuse can stay with you for the rest of your life? Just be there for her like you are right now and let her know whatever her dad is saying isn't true. You're a great friend !

  4. You seem really cool for caring about your friend and her mom. It seems like you both r great frends i think that the only thing you can do is let ur friend kno that u r there 4 her if she ever needs anything. if you think this is more serious than "yelling" i would confront your friend and ask her. if so she might need more help than what you can give her. but always stick close to your friend and be there for her. i wish you guys both the best of luck and complete happiness.

  5. Man, don't know what to say. You are in a very difficult situation. Why don't you ask her to talk to any of her relatives who are very close to her dad like her grandmother, grandfather or uncle, so that they stop her dad from treating her like this, if she believes in them.

  6. You are a friend with a good heart. You are showing your affection with them and they are lucky for having you as their friend. You can tell your friend just take care of herself and just ignore dad's talking.  At least not showing gestures of rebellion will make him feel guilty, I know it's an experienced when my dad was still alive.  And when I graduated in college he was so proud of me.  You can tell your friend this story to make her inspired of all the things she wanted to achieve in life. My dad passed away that I felt how happy he was,no matter how he treated me I still showed the respect and love for him.  

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