
My friend's daughter Abby is mentally challenged and boy crazy. Help.?

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My friend's daughter Abby Rodgers is mentally challenged a.k.a retarded. She has that look that you when you are retarded (not to be mean), and is really likes boys (she is maturing). She is in the sixth grade and likes fifth graders, walking up to them and hugging them all the time. She goes to a private school and is in a special tutoring class (which i don't get, why can't they just get her a tutor at the house). They pay 12,000 dollars a year for her tuition, but she isn't comprehending anything the tutor tells her because she is always on the look out for boys. When one walks by the tutoring room, she almost literally bounces off the walls, opens the door, and runs to hug the boy. It's like she is attracted to all males, even unappealing ones, and her father. One time, she mistook a girl for a boy at the play place at McDonald's and the child's mother sued them for bodily injury of the girl she attacked.(Yes, it is this bad most of the time) This is for real. Please help with her.




  1. If I was your friend and saw this post with my child's name on it, you would be the one mentally challenged.  Some people have no manners

  2. Someone needs to talk to her parents because shes really mixed-up in her brain.

  3. You don't sound like a good friend at all. Do NOT use the word "r****d" to describe someone's handicap. It is insanely disrespectful. You should be ashamed.

  4. This is not really an answer to your question but a response to some of the other answers.  I agree it was very distasteful to use the childs name.  But, I don't see why retarded is offensive.  It simply means slow.  She is not calling her a stupid r****d or a dumb r****d or anything like that so ya'll need to get over the use of the word when used in a manner such as in this question.  I have a cousin who is mentally retarded. I love her very much but she is mentally retarded and that's not an insult.

  5. Mentally challenged people actually alot of them just have a love for people n she may just feel more comfortable with boys. My cousin is cerebal palsy quadraplegic n he looks at me like i am made of gold, holds my hand n just stares for hours. These special children just have to be nurtured in the best way possible that there parents can do. If she hurts some one n costs alot of money so what, all children are beautiful. If my son blew up the street i may be a little angry but i would deal with him n fix the problem cause thats life n people learn by there mistakes, please dont think of her as any less, or stupid or retarded:)

  6. you dont sound like a very good friend really

    all girls go thru the boy crazy stage

    and i private school is a great place for her to be

    they dont see the money

    they see how it effects their dear child

    you should be embressed to call your self her friend

  7. first of all my brother is handicapped and i hate the word retarded its disrespectful you know depending on what she has some of them are just very loving especially the ones who have down syndrome i dont really see a problem with it you have to understand theres times when their brain doesnt work the way ours does and they want everyone to like them and respect them hurting people is un called for but her parents need to take care of that

  8. You shouldn't post the girls name on rude.

  9. I doubt this is a real question. I went back and read some of the other questions you have asked and you are not old enough to have a friend that has a daughter that is 6th grade.

    You also asked a question about a pet rock:;...

    If you want people to take you seriously you need to keep your questions straight.

  10. It wouldn't be surprising if someone has been messing with her... people do that to people they don't think can speak for themselves. She is 11 I'm guessing but she probably has the mental capacity of a 3 yr old. I'd tell her Mom to keep a good eye on any males coming around.

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