
My friend's drink was apparently spiked?

by  |  earlier

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he said his friend gave him a drink to help wake him up cuz he was feelin tired then he felt really really hot like 200 degrees, coulodn't see straight, and had to pull over to throw up on his drive back, and about to fall asleep and then crashed when he got home




  1. sounds like ecstacy to me

  2. Again, 200degrees.........?

    Stop posting the same question a million times.

    Get off the computer and call poison control.  

  3. sounds like a bad trip to me.

  4. That's why we should not consider EVERYONE to be a "friend".  Choose your friends wisely!!!!!!!!

  5. I would say that friend was very stupid to give him that drink.

  6. to give someone an alcoholic drink to "help wake him up" is retarded. alcohol is a depressant. shame on anyone who let him drive home drunk. he could have been killed or killed someone else and it would have been on your heads.

  7. Why would you ever let a friend drink and drive?!

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