
My friend's going to look like an idiot, isn't she?

by  |  earlier

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She's like 4'8 and she weighs like seventy-two pounds. She told me today that she was going to shop at Hot Topic this year. She's kind of.. how can I say this, a poser? I shop at stores like Aeropostale, American Eagle, Old Navy, etc. I know she doesn't really like the clothing there, and she just thinks she's 'emo and goth', when she's not. I really don't think she should be spending money on things just to be something she's not. Not only that, but we're only going into the sixth grade. I mean seriously.. Do you think she's going to look quite silly?




  1. yes. you need to confront her about it.

    first of all, if its not who she really is then she shoudnt be wearing it just cause its "cool.

    second of all, its not cool.

    third of all, you need to tell her that she shouldnt be pretending to be somone that she isnt. tell her how you feel about how she is acting.

  2. very silly

  3. eh let her do what she wants.

    when you're that young it's not uncommon to change styles quite a bit.  just stay true to yourself, be yourself and thats all that matters!  have a good year, middle school is funnn.

  4. I don't know, I've never seen any Hot Topic clothes... but it doesn't matter if she dresses like that, it's her choice. She might look silly...

  5. This might sound shallow but sorry - my friend turned emo and started acting all weird - I quit hanging  out with her. I'm glad I did.

  6. Yeah, she'll look like a poser. I mean, you can look badass even if your buying stuff at AE or Hollister.

  7. NO! mabey her mom wanted her to shop all those stores, when she is really trying to find herself, and wants to lean toward the emo-ish side. Let her wear what she wants to wear!

  8. i dont think she will look silly. it depends on what she buys.

    like they have some cute shirts that dont look goth or emo.

    i shop there.

    and im 12.

    so i dont think she will look silly. :)

  9. Well it sounded fine to me up untill the sixth grade part. Yeah dressing emo/goth in the 6th grade will just look stupid.

  10. First of all you are too young to be on here, what are you like 11 or something, let your friend wear whatever she wants to, if you were her real friend then you would not care and besides you sound like the poser, everyone who shops at A&E and Aeropostale and all of those stores only shop there for the labels, that is the only reason why I did most of my shopping there last year, but now I don't care about labels and am going to do my shopping at Forever 21 because there clothes are much cuter

  11. That's pathetic.. your categorizing everything into stereotypes..

    Just let her be... you dont seem to be acting like a friend at all to her..

    you're more of a two-faced type... i mean, if she wants to shop there then who cares?! Its what SHE wants - not YOU

  12. Good friends encourage their friends.

    Let your friend shop wherever she wants, just because you don't shop there doesn't make her a poser. You're not her mother, stop acting like it. You're not being a good friend :( You're not even supposed to be here; you're under 13.

  13. firstly, who are YOU to say she is a poser??

    how the h**l would you know? you're not her are you?

    and how do YOU know what SHE is or isnt?? and how can u say she THINKS shes emo?

    let her be who she wants to be, not who you want her to be.

    ugh wow, i just dont even know what to say to you.

  14. you just have to let her be. it's just a phase, many people (such as i) go/went through it. you just need to let things take their course and just care about your presence.  

  15. How do you know that isn't who she is? Just because that ain't your scene don't mean she don't like it... come on now your question makes you look like an assh*le.... I love Hot Topic clothes and accessories... I think you should LET her be who she wants to be!

  16. To each their own.

    Its her body to clothe, maybe she thinks YOU look silly.

  17. You need to lay off just because she likes hot topic and not little preppy stores, like u, it doesnt matter.and if ur only going into sixth grade, arent u a little young to have a yahoo account anyway?

  18. definitely she should try to be herself! the fact that she may be trying to be someone she's not will be seen by others, no one can pull off a real 'act' unless they're the real deal!

  19. yeah pretty much never try to be something your not eccspecally going into middle school you wanna be yourself  not "FAKE"  

  20. its her choice. let her do what she wants to do. she will learn the hard way

  21. She shouldn't care what anyone thinks of her as long as she's comfortable with whatever she wears/does

    and that goes for everyone

  22. some of my friends had that sort of style in 6th grade... it's seriously just a phase, she'll get over it. and she might look silly to older people.. but to people your own age she'll probably just look normal.

  23. No she won't look silly...if that's what she wants to buy then so be it...why does it bother you...who cares as long as she's comfortable with what she buys and wears there shouldn't be a problem.

  24. What are you? If she is your friend you could try supporting her decision. She could be making worse choices. Think about it. When did you decide to start shopping at the stores you like? Did you do it because you liked how the clothes looked on other girls? Were you a poser for it?

    I think you are being quite mean to call yourself a friend.

  25. haha just because you want to shop at a certain store doesnt mean anything if she likes the clothes let her be. youre her firendl et her do what she wants. okay? maybe youre a poser.

  26. quite silly, in fact.

    all those little posers were picked on when i was there..

    so if you're her friend... i'd do something about that.

  27. im also going into 6th and i wear abercrombie aero hollister and stores like that and im 5'1


    um if she likes those clothes let her wear them but i do think they will look stupid

  28. no let the girl be who she wants to be.

    don't try to change her.Accept her for who she is.

    Changing her is only going to make your friendship wayyyyyy worse.

    trust someone who's been down that road alreadyy.

  29. hahaha what 6th grader shops at hot topic? if shes gonna be like that emo-ish as she gets older then yeah shop there. but yes shes gonna look like a complete tool

  30. You shop at Aeropostale, and AE. You sound like a poser. Besides you're in sixth grade. It's none of your business where your friend shops with. You gotta learn to be less shallow when you're older.

  31. if you are really concerned about her, let her do as she wishes and make sure you are there for her if she realises she's wrong ! be supportive though, go shoppingwith her and then youcan help her choose more suitable clothes.. but don't be all in-her-face about it

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