
My friend's husband left her, but it was his job to pay the rent. How can she get that money from him?

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Her husband keeps telling her that he is going to get a divorce, but he hasn't done that yet. She is stuck with all of the bills that he left her with. Is there some kind of law that can protect her, and help her get the money that was his responsibility to cover. His name wasn't on the lease, but he was the one who paid the rent each month. How can she make him pay for what he is supposed to pay for. Does it matter whether they are divorced are not?




  1. I'm confused, If he is not living there, than why is he supposed to pay for it?

    I mean of course it would be the nice thing to do but i don't see how he is obligated to do it since he is not even on the lease and is no longer residing there.

  2. if you friend has not filed for s Legal Separation, then there is nothing she can do.

    Verbal agreements are difficutl to enforce, becasue they always turn into a "she said he said . . ./ no I didn't say . . . " argument.  the court will just ignore it.  This is especially true since his name isn't on the lease . . . .

    You friend nis going to need a lawyer.  First, file divorce.  the FIRST ONE to file has the advantage!  next, have that lawyer look into a possible civil action lawsuit to attempt to collect bad debts.

  3. If he doesn't live there anymore why should he pay the rent? Am I missing something?  Now is the time to pull yourself up by the bra straps.  The sense of accomplishment and independence you will feel  will greatly surpass the feeling of being a kept woman.

  4. Your friend needs to get a lawyer and also a job, because by law when he left, the only why she can get help is Thur the courts.  

  5. I'm no lawyer but unless she gets some kind of temporary maintenance from the court she is screwed.

  6. Unless both their names were on the lease or just his, their is nothing she can do but move. It's probable that he was willing to forefit the cleaning deposit(last months rent) and just leave. She neds to find out if she was on the lease with him or just him.

  7. If his name isn't on the lease, he doesn't have to pay the rent.  

    She needs to be the one who goes down and files for divorce and ask for in the summons for spousal support.

  8. Sorry Charlie, she should have never let herself be in a position that if he left she would have nothing. She will have to call her parents for the funds. He is not obligated to pay.  

  9. Oh snap looks like she has to get  ajob like the rest of us!

  10. I really dont think there is much she can do since he was not on the lease. regardless if it was his responsibility as the court is going to see it, he never lived there.

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