
My friend's identity is being stolen. ?

by  |  earlier

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They are pretending to be them on msn and has got hold of passwords etc? We know who it is but is there anything we can do about it? My friend has tried changing her password, but the fraudster keeps getting hold of it. The fraudster is a child aged 12. We are in UK.




  1. Is the child in the same country, or a close vicinity to your friend?  Do you have proof?  Has he/she stolen any money?  If so, call the police and let them handle the situation.

    You need to put up a firewall so he can't get into your information.  Call a computer store and see what you can do about getting rid of any spyware and computer viruses that may be on your computer.  

  2. Has the password been stolen or just guessed? There is a difference.

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