
My friend's little 8 year old cousin just cut a happy face into her leg??? What is going on in her mind?

by  |  earlier

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When we asked her why she did it, she said her parents were arguing and she did it to feel better. At first she said she didnt know, and then she said that. She said she wanted to see a happy face.

What do you think this means???




  1. She's depressed?

  2. It means she listens to too much MCR.

  3. she is looking for attention and is not getting enough of it....she needs soemone to really tlk to her...she needs help and she is asking for u can see.

  4. she is sad and wants to be happy

  5. I think it means that she just seen to much voilence in her life and for her to be 8 years old but anyway i recconmend her parents taking her to a doctor and go on with what the doctor says

  6. I think it means that she needs help.

    She's starting, at a frightfully young age, to cut. This is a BIG deal, especially at such a young age.

    She needs help. If she can't get her parents to give it to her, then your friend needs to get a professional involved.

  7. I did stuff like this at age 12 - till well till I got married.

    It is called "cutting". Someone is hurting so bad inside they cut themselves to help them fill better. I didn't know there was name for this till I saw it on tv years later. This was back in the late 80's to early 90's.

    I'd suggestion the parents be notified of what is happening. A child this young cutting themselves is serious. It is serious at any age.

    Tell your friend to tell their family members about this so the child gets help.

  8. The child obviously needs help.  This is a huge red flag and should be treated as a very serious situation.  She needs to speak to a prefessional.

  9. SHe is the happy knd of emo

  10. Some people cut themselves in order to try to feel better.  I think maybe it's that they think physical pain will help them forget emotional pain.  In any event, it is a serious problem, and the little girl should see a counselor.

  11. It means she needs psychiatric help.  

    Her family will probably also need family therapy.

  12. Well this is bad cause sahe is starting it at a young age,

    um... but she needs to talk to let out her feelings~!

  13. I think she is depressed her parents are always argueing. Little kids always get a big affect when seeing her own pearents mad at eachother. You should ask her if she ever sees her parents fight  what she thinks about it, and just tell her everytime they fight go somewhere quiet and go to sleep. It helps them forget.

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