
My friend's moving to New Jersey, should i go 2?

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so i've had a messed up home. with a sexist dad, a beated mom, and a sister who always gets into trouble. my dad beats my mom!!! i left home to live with my friend who is moving from LA to New Jersey, Lebannon.. should i go 2? she's a rlly good friend and i dunno what id do w/out her, i dont have very good parents anyway.. i rlly wanna go, but i dunno if its the right choice, im only 15.

PS: what is NJ like?




  1. Well YOUR parents and HER parents will have the final say on this.

    You do understand that you are not legally able to just pick up and go?  Your parents may agree if you promise to stay in school. Her parents will have to assume legal guardianship for you.  (why is that teens do not understand they have only limited rights and MUST be under guardianship until they are 18?)

  2. oh dear, thats a tough one. my heart goes out to you. sometimes parents dont realise what problems they create for their kids.

    but to anwer yourquestion, you need to consider a few things.

    1]how old is your friend?

    2]are you financially dependent on your friend?

    3]how long can you depend on him/her?

    sadly, you will have to accept the fact that in your liffe people will come and go. you have to learn to stand on your own feet.

  3. I think your main concern should be getting your mother and sister out of this abusive home and not just abandoning them. Yeah, so she may have been horrible to you, but this is your mother, especially your sister, what have they done to deserve you leaving them in this dump of a family home?

    I think you should help them out. Call the police and make sure they get put in a refuge for beaten women. Then they can start re-building there lives. You never know, once your mom is out of that environment she might be alot more gentle, loving and forgiving. I think you should stay and sort them out, then after they are out of the situation and receiving help if you still want to go live with your friend, then go.

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