
My friend's parents won't let her cut her hair ?

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But she really wants to, because it's down to her thighs and it's really heavy and thick and it gives her headaches. But her parents want her to have long hair and say she can't cut it while she's still living under their roof, eating their food, etc.

It's not like it's because of religion, because it isn't. Her parents just want her to have long hair. They're kind of obsessive about it, really. Once, my mum drove us straight to her house after school. As soon as we got throuh the door, her mother told her to go sit in the bathroom. She (her mother) spent an hour carefully de-tangling her hair, then another hour putting all these different oils and conditioners in her hair. She then braided her hair and told her to wash it out in half an hour.

It seemed like a lot of time wasted on her hair. My friend told me that she has to do this every day of her life.

Her parents are kind of crazy when it comes to her hair. How can she convince them to let go ?




  1. her parents are not crazy, they are stupid

  2. she if they'll let her donate what she cuts off to locks of love.

    and that hair will grow back...

  3. She should go out and cut it anyway. She is not the property of her parents and they should have no right to decide how her hair should be. Her parents are nuts, it seems.

  4. She should sell her long hair at:

  5. You know what. If it's giving her headaches then take her to get it cut by herself. Help her pick out a cute cut so maybe her parents will still like her hair. She can even donate :D

    Aww :D

  6. if i were her i would cut a big chunk of it out at school and just say that while she was sitting in class that someone behind her cut it. or she could tangle a big wad of gum in her hair and get it really in there so they would hafta get it cut

  7. I think she should sit her parents down and explain to them calmly that she knows that her hair is important but its not fair that her mother is treating it like its her own. She should tell her that she doesnt want to cut it all off its just hard and the heat makes it hard to go outside and play. Tell her she wants it long just not that long because thats horrible, plus doesnt her mom know you have to cut hair to get rid of dead ends and stuff!

    Hope I helped :)

  8. Do it behind her parents back. I know it's bad but omg if it's all that annoying. IT'S JUST HAIR! Not really gonna make a difference in her parents lives will it?

  9. You've got to be making this up!


  10. I'm not sure how old she or you are but if she is old enough maybe she should just get a haircut herself. Or just cut it herself. Her parents need to realise that what their daughter looks like is not up to them. Someone needs to tell them that what they are doing is putting strain on her life and it may sound over the top but her hair obviously is.

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