well, my friend and i are on a swim team together. She has shoulder problems and it seems she's been using them to get out of practices. During the summer, practices are optional, so we usually only go 3 or 4 times a week instead of all 5 days. All summer it seems she's been saying her shoulders hurt during really hard sets and i think she might be faking it to get out of it. i mean, there might be a little bit, but she hasn't been doing her physical therapy or taking her meds, so she's asking for it and now she's trying to get out of practice. next week our school's team starts and its 5 hours a day and we absolutely cannot miss practice. i'm afraid she might not be able to do it, but i don't want to bug her about her shoulders any more because i know she's getting annoyed with me telling her to do her PT and stuff. Do you guys have any ideas to first of all, get her to stop complaining or to get her to take her meds and do her PT?