One of my close friends, Emily, had a sister who did not get along with me too well. Anyway, she passed away a few days ago, and it was not peaceful, or easy. She had to be around 16. Anyway -- Hannah, Emily's sister, had a mare, Almond Joy.. Now, Emily loves horses, but can't ride, so she asked me to work Joy. I'm in a tough spot because I already work with three TWHs, and I have a big project on my hands, and travelling between two farms really makes my parents tired.. and sore for gas money. Joy stays at a HORRENDOUS farm that I am going to report as soon as Joy gets off of its premises. There are 200+ horses, kept on dirt lots, who never see a farrier or vet, and who are worked like dogs. In their tiny dirt paddocks, they are bred over and over again, and have little to no shelter.
Before I get into that, my question is..
I want to get Emily to move Joy to the farm where I work, where there is a stall for Joy to stay in, and where I can work her more.. [more in details]