
My friend's wife is jealous of me. She has no reason to be. . .?

by  |  earlier

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--- Just so you know . . . I am a woman. ----

I met my friend about 6 yrs. ago, when I was married. He has been single for about 20 yrs. when he met a woman 10 yrs. younger who claimed to have fell madly in love with him and told him she could no longer live without him - rather than waiting for a proposal, she went looking for an engagement ring and next thing I know is I got an email from my friend telling me they were married. I soon learned that she doesn't trust him at all. He gets off from work earlier and she demands that he goes to her job and stays there until she gets off from work. She calls and expect him to call her all day long - every day. She trashed his old computer in her attempt to get rid of online (female) contacts. His phone answering machine is annoying, knowing what king of woman he married - it says something like I dedicate this song (Song in the background) to the love of my life who makes my life beautiful every day. On the other hand he tells people he trusts how much this woman is trying to control him and how much he dislikes that.

By her own admission, the woman has fixed her nose, liposuction her arms, tinted her hair blond because she thinks that is what men are attracted to - specially her husband) - She wears honey color contacts (probably to make her blond look even better) and whenever she gets a chance she says (in her native foreign language) how much she reads and understands English, although it is obvious she isn't that interested in learning English. Looks are obviously extremely important to her, but neglects to nurish her inner beauty which I am sure her husband would welcome.

I am sick and tired of the way she wants to put me and others down so to make herself look refined and sofisticated - when she actually isn't. If she was refined and sofisticated there would be no need to tell the world that she is, and if she understood English as much as she claims, she would at least try to carry on a conversation in English.

To make the story short, I made a trip with them and at first my friend seemed to want to share hotel room's expenses wich would have been good, but then he changed his mind. It seems more like she changed his mind. This trew off my budget/plan a little bit. Although I later realized I should have never planned to go with them on vacation, I still went. It was sickening to see how she controls my friend's every move. But who cares, if he is still with her, he must like that very much.

My friend stayed with family and his wife and I came back home together so we got to talk a little bit on the plane. Today I got a call from my friend saying that his wife woke him up early and demanded that he calls her every 30 mins during the day and goes to bed early.

I realized she is jealous of me when she asked him if I had called him today to tell him what her and I talked about on our way back home.

This woman's obsession is strongly discouraging me to continuing being a friend.

What would you advise me?

I think I will tell my friend honestly that it is better to cut our friendship rith here and right now.




  1. If he likes this lifestyle then there is nothing you can do about it... PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE that is something I believe you need to accept. (This might not be the answer your want... but its my honest opinion.)

    As for her yesh!!! She has an abundance of insecurities that if you do talk with her husband about that is your call...however he is the only person that might be able to reach this woman. What I would tell him is "look we have been friends forever... ____ your wife seems a little uptight these days ESPECIALLY AROUND ME maybe you need to tell her that you love her and that she doesn't need to do all this to prove it"

    I hope this helps... I am going through a tough time with a friend as of now..  

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