
My friend (Female) of whom I care for won't talk to me anymore over a fight that I don't understand anymore.

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We were hanging out a couple days after I got back from vacation. Then she asks me to tell her everything that I'm thinking and whats going on in my mind. At first I disaprove, but because I care for her, I tell her basically everything. (Realizing some things are better not said) Then a couple of mins passby and I confess to her that I found out who are the guys that confessed to her while I was on vacation.

*the cause of the problem goes back about a week before any of the events above happened* My friend (good friends with the girl) gave me her password to her email because she wanted me to read her messeges in return for me giving her my password.

So I'm just going around and reading her email then I click on the messege the girl I like (her name is Sheela). The messege contains the information about the guys that confessed.

Apparently, I never knew what was on the messege and I didnt know I was not supposed to read it, until the day I told Sheela I knew.

*present time* but she forgives my friend, that gave me her password. but really hates me because I read a messege I never knew it was a secret. So I've been talking to her friends and they say shes been heartbroken. I wanna talk to her, explain things out, and apologize but its hard...She won't even bother talking to me anymore. Now she feels heartbroken...I feel hopeless because she lives on another military base (Living in Japan. She lives about and hour away).

I never meant for any of this to happen. Now she thinks I like someone else and I don't. All my feelings are for her, and now she doesnt realize it.




  1. confess you like her and quit being a p***y.

  2. u both need to grow up!

  3. If you don't want to know something then don't look.Privacy is important and if she wanted to tell you she would have.

  4. Tell her that it's time ro start fresh, and to just let the past be the past

  5. what exactly did u find out?

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