
My friend Jen is in the Army national guard. She wants me to join but I know im not physicaly fit to go. ?

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She wants to send me a a fat camp so I will lose the weight required to go. I am 5' 5 and weight in about 375. I am not all fat I do have alot of muscle but I am also big bone what should I do ?




  1. If your 375, you should probably lose weight just because of health benefits.

    You will feel better as a person.

  2. Go to fat camp and join. First of all there is no such thing as being big boned, it is a myth adults tell their kids to make them feel better. Actually most thin people have bigger bones (celebrity weight loss). Increase of fruit and vegetables and the treadmill will get u right :)

  3. If you want to join and you know you need to lose weight, than do it. I had to lose 10 lbs. before I attended Basic. Really, it is all about your motivation. You are the only one holding back your ability to join the Army.

  4. I hate to phrase it this way and not look like a hypocrite, but realistically, someone who is calling 375 (at 5'5) big boned and not morbidly obese is not prepared for what is to come even as a national guardsman.  I am hardly considered in great shape for the military, but that is unrealistic.  Jen may want you to join for good reasons and it is physically possible to lose the 200+ lbs recessary to pass weight requirements, but it will be an amazing story if it happens.  I do wish you the best however, whatever you do.

  5. Are you having an issue with going NG or to Fat Camp? NG Would be a great opportunity and you should check it out from all aspects and see if it would fit you. (just so you know she would get a large bonus if you signed b/c of her) Make sure it's right for you.

    Secondly if you are having a problem with Fat Camp, is it simply because they didn't name it something pretty, like "Find the body that's Really You Camp?" Because the military doesn't pull any punches and you no matter how you want to justify it in your mind are, at 5'5'' and 375lbs, fat. You need to be completely honest with yourself, lying to yourself is only going to hurt you. And you should probably take any oppertunity some one gives you to feel better about yourself.

  6. ???

    first off, do what you want to do.

    second, you need to drop allot of weight if you want to (and it can be done, don't be discourage)

    if your 5'5 and you weigh 375, I'm sorry but that has nothing to do with being big bone, and i can almost guarantee that's not all/mostly muscle, unless you were a body builder (and if that's the case you wouldn't be answering this question)

    I'm "big boned" and sand almost 5'9 and weigh 168 and could still stand to lose some weight.

    the first step you need to do about loosening weight (if your serious about joining) is to start being realistic about things and don't make up excess about it.

  7. There are hieght and weight standards in every branch of the military. Find out what they are for you based on your age. You are allowed to be over the wieght standard but will have to be "taped" measured for your bodyfat % You are correct when you say you are not all fat, for men they measure neck to waist ratio and come up with a number. Go to the recruiters office and they can give you the CURRENT standards. After you have that information, you will have a goal, now all you have to do is reach it.

  8. You would have to drop 225 lbs to be qualify. If you really want to join than get in shape. If not, don't bother.

  9. If joining the Guard is what you really want to do, go ahead and go to that camp.  It will help you a lot.  You can lose the weight yourself, but many people lack the self-motivation to do it.  Having someone over you telling you exactly what you need to do may be just what you need.  That and having other people to work out with and joke with makes it more enjoyable.

  10. you should lose alot of weight.about 25to 50lbs because they will make you do alot of running

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