
My friend Kara will be starting her new job as a full time third grade teacher working at an elementary school

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she starts this fall when school starts back up again and she is very excited and looking forward to it. this her first real job at a n elementary school. any advice for her?




  1. good luck

  2. The only practical advice I have is the same I gave my friend before her first day of school (which she ignored):  Do NOT fill out the grade/attendance book in ink based on the class roster that they give you in the summer!  Half of those kids won't show up, and half as many more will transfer in.  Just the first of many "surprises."

    One other suggestion:  make a file of where the kids are skill-wise the first day and compare it with how far they've come by the end of the year.  Some dramatic changes happen during the course of the year that kind of sneak up on you (not as dramatic as in junior high, when half of them enter puberty, but gratifying just the same).

  3. Tell her to be patient with the kids.

  4. Let the students go to the bathroom if asked.

  5. Check out the books:

    The first days of school

    Happiness and education

    The first year of teaching is tough! But teaching is wonderful. As long as her lessons are well planned, she is patient, and she sets up great routines for her students, she will be great.

  6. well I'm in middle school and I remember my favorite teacher. It happened to be my third grade teacher.  I suggest making learning fun.  She made a chart with all the kids in her classes names on it. Every time one of the students got a question right she would put a sticker next to their name.  the first student with 100 stickers got to sit in the teachers soft and cushy chair.  We also had book bugs and we would get rewarded for every chapter book we read.  My other teacher Used fake money. Every time you got a question right in her class you would get a plastic nickel or something. You could either save up some money or you could spend it on some stuff the teacher bought from the dollar store. It also teaches you math.  If Kara can't do this then I suggest being friendly and nice.  This is what I wanted in a teacher in third grade.  I hope I helped!

  7. Hi I taught kindergarten for three years before moving to third grade. The best advice I can give to Kara is to make sure she has a discpline plan in place. I had my students earn fake money and work towards class rewards. I also had team of the week (teams of 4 earned this by getting points for good behavior). Third graders still kind of need you but at the same time are becoming more independent. Bottom line is, be their teacher FIRST, their friend later, and their mentor for life. Good luck.

  8. she must just hav patients because somethings working as a teacher is a challenge

  9. She needs to be patient and nice, we used to have party day. If everyone did their homework then we had a party day in like a week where we could play games and stuff for an hour at school. Be prepared to be a little scared but the kids should be nice..

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