
My friend about to have s*x, &get eaten.? She's 13.? [details inside, please help.]?

by Guest21222  |  earlier

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Okay, so my friend is 13. She has a boyfriend who is 15 or 16, im not sure which. He's not trustworthy, he's cheated on her before, he's not a virgin, shes fallen for him, +she thinks he's just amazing. Shes blowing me off for him too. +she barely ever does that. She sneaks around behind her parents backs, steals their condoms, &stuff. She's 13 & i dont think shes ready for it. :/ another reason i think that she wants to is because she thinks that if they do that he wont leave her. & also; she wants to feel older. I dont know what to do. I care about her, +im not saying she should save herself until marriage or anything, but she's just 13. She's barely a teenager. I dont think its a good sign. She's very sensitive & gets mad easily. I dont know what to say or anything. Help me, please.?




  1. Talk to her parents, you have already lost her as a friend, might as well try to save her life in the process.

  2. You're right to be concerned about your friend. She's not ready, physically, mentally or emotionally for a sexual relationship - especially with a guy who, from what you've said, does not love her or have her best interests at heart. I can tell that you care about her a lot and the truth is, this guy will probably hurt her if she doesn't break if off or at least stand up to him and respect her own body. I know it will be hard, but try to be honest with her and tell her how much you care about her and don't want to see her get hurt. These kind of situations can cause regrets and hurts that she will remember her whole life, so just be honest with her. At this point, it's a good idea to tell your parents. I know it might be embarassing or hard, but your friend needs help. You're such an awesome friend to be so concerned about her!

  3. well, just talk to her about it. tell her that you have seen this happen before and it won't turn out good. if she just ignores that, then just let her go with it. it's her mistake, not yours

  4. ok well sadly the only thing you can do really is to make sure she knows all the bad that can come from this even with a condom and birth control there is still the risk of getting pregnant (as i got pregnant while i was on the pill) there is also the risk of STD'S and condom wont protect her from all stds and if you do talk to her dont be like i dont think you should do it tell her i know you are thinking about doing this and i know nothing i can say will stop you but i care about you so i just want to be sure you know what can happen if you do and go on about pregnancy and stds. and try to nicely explain that having s*x will not make him stay with her cause he can get that from any girl nor will having a baby make him stay. good luck to you and your friend

  5. when he turns 18 you can always have him arrested so weight just little while

  6. She shouldn't do it, she won't feel older.. and most likely he will end up dumping her not staying with her after.

    You should be a friend and somehow let her parents know.

    She is too young, still a child.

    Just try and be a good friend and help her.

    You could even tell your parents and maybe they could talk to her parents. Anything..

    Good Luck and God Bless

  7. if you really care about her, tell her parents. you'll most likely loose her as a friend, but when she's older she'll look back on this and thank you.

  8. if you see ehr boyfriend doing stuff thats just WAY too much stop && talk to her.

    till then let her do whatever she wants...the best way to learn from a mistake is to do it.

    if she commits the mistake of losing her virginity && not enjoying it...its ehr fault not yours.

    maybe you cant stop her but at least you can try :]]

    hope i helped

  9. I know that this is mest up but TELL HER PARENTS. if she has s*x right now she'll regret she is very young and after she has s*x she will probably get depressed. She might get pissed at you but it's for her own good.

  10. Totaly shouldnt do it. She is way too young special with such an older boyfirend. Plus he can get done specialy if he is in england and is 16

  11. Woooooahhh

    okay im almost 15 and well that's plain crazy...I'm thinkin' of my little sister who's turning thirteen and wow...

    Tell your parents who probably know her parents and they will be able to do a lot more than you can alone.

    Tell her you really care about her and you don't want her to get hurt.  

    It might break a friendship but if she's blowing you off and acting like that she doesn't deserve to be your friend :[

    Hope I help!


  12. He sounds like he is probably a jerk.  Try to persuade her not to do anything.  This is something she will probably regret in the future.  If she turns him down and he leaves her it just shows what kind of guy he really is.  If he really likes her he will be willing to wait.

  13. Your friend is too young. She will regret it if she does. Her boyfriend doesn't deserve her if she feels like he will leave her if she doesn't sleep with him. If all he's after is s*x...with these guys, who date younger girls, they are probably after their virginity. he will probably leave her after he gets what he's after. Tell your friend's parents; she may hate you for a while, but you wll regret it if you don't and she gets hurt by this guy/raped/left right after.

  14. Let her learn the hard way.

  15. Theres an old saying:Wisemen cant teach Fools.Fools dont listen. You have obviously tried talking sense to her no?> And she blew you off. She isn't much of a friend or very smart to let a guy ruin her friendship and jepordize her future (teenge s*x means STD's STI's unwanted pregnacy loads of trouble toxic relationships and the innocence of a very young girl) Tell someone maybe her mother anynomously before she does in the long run if she learns she will thank you!She needs a reality check the world dont run on status symbols (the status symbol meaning haing a boyfriend and s*x if can understand what i am saying).Leave her to her mother ignore her for a whiloe till she can straighten herself out she could get you in trouble too.s*x should be saved for marriage and try to perserve your friends virgnity through her mother.She needs help before something terrible happens

  16. dont botther let her make her own mistakes but first warn her if she gets mad wait to see what happens if he breaks her heart then she will who was right

  17. When you turn 13 or 14 you tend to think that since you're a teenager, you get to do whatever you want...WRONG ANSWER! Girls, tend to feel the a guy really cares for then if they say little things like 'I Love You'. But if the guy is 15 or 16 and he's with a 13 year old saying stuff like this...ALL HE WANTS IS s*x! She needs to talk to some one who is older and who understands teenage boys. Tell her that he's cheating on her so she cant get the facts straight.

    I'm 17, and I've been around and still am around guys like that. You will truly know if a guy is for real when you get a little older. And this guy she's with is far from it!

    If she gets mad easily...let her read this. And she might understand a little bit more. But for right friend is very gullible!

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