
My friend abuses her animals?

by  |  earlier

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My friend is 14 years old, like me. She has an animal problem. She throws things at her cats, and throws her cats into bushes. She pushes her dog around and picks her up wrong. One time she kicked her cat into the bushes and I kinda kicked her into the bushes too lol... She has a really bad temper, and to make matters worse. Her mom is my girl scout leader. And her mom scares the c**p out of me when she yells at me. And I don't want to be kicked out of girl scouts. But do you think she abuses her animals? What should I do?




  1. Tell your parents.  I know it's hard cus she's your friend but perhaps your mom can talk to hers about how the animals are being mistreated.  It's very important your friends learns proper acceptable behaviour, and respect and kindness!

  2. Tell your mom, she'll know wat to do.

  3. Indeed, your friend is abusing and mistreating those poor animals. She merely mirrors what she's living herself at home. Find yourself another girl scout group or go 4H's...something like that. That mother of your friend is clearly one source of the problem and should not be in charge of a youth group. Who knows what is really going on in that household... They all need serious counseling.

  4. Abusing animals is a bad sign in later life...your friend definitely has problems and needs help.  Call the animal protection people and report her anonymously.  You may just save an animals life!!!

  5. Report the problem IMMEDIATELY to the spca. It may save a poor animal's life. As for your friend, I'd advise that she take counseling to manage her bad temper, instead taking it out on innocent, helpless animals. Hope this helped =)

  6. Stay away from them and report the Mom for yelling at you. Your owm Mom should not allow that. I wouldn't. I would be in her face for yelling at my kid.

    And  the brats pets..not  much you can do but stop hanging with her other than being at Girl Scouts.

  7. that's one of the first signs of "problems" later on in life.  those animals need to be taken away ASAP.  

  8. they shouldn't be treating there animals like that. maybe you should talk to them about it

  9. You need to first of all call animal cops theyll take the cats and dogs from them cuz no animal should be treated like that. U can ask them not to tell em who called animal control so u dont get in trouble. And tryy and calmly suggust counseling... Im sorry ur in that situation !

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