
My friend accidentily swiped my eye with her hand and now I have red veins and cloudy vision on that side...?

by  |  earlier

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of my eye. Again the whole eyes isn't cloudy, just the corner that's become bloodshot. I also have a large scratch on the outside of that eye. I believe she probably hit me with her fingernail in a sideswiping motion that scatched the side of my eye and the skin just outside it. I need some help! I'm leaving for a three week vacation tomorrow and I need to know whether this is bad enough to have it looked at or if it will heal normaly on it's own.




  1. If you cant see a doctor I think I would get some eye lubricant (The kind they would give afrter laser surgey)and keep using it so the eye can heal.

  2. I would suggest having it looked at.  My son got hit in the eye with a pool cue on Friday afternoon.  He has two scratches on his eye (though off to the side and not right on the front).  The doctor was most concerned about infection and prescribed antibiotics (eye drops).  We also have a follow-up appointment tomorrow to make sure it is healing okay.

    When talking to her on the phone she asked about cloudiness and pain when blinking and decided he should be seen right away.

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