
My friend adopted a boy about seven years ago. How can I get a free copy of his adopted birth certificate?

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I have been trying to find his birth certificate from when he was adopted. I have his original birth certificate, but need the adopted birth certificate as it has his adopted parents name and his adopted name on it. Can anyone help, please? Thanks!




  1. You aren't the legal parent and you aren't the child who was adopted. So you're not allowed to even see a copy of his birth certificate, let alone get a copy of it. Even the boy's adoptive parents can only get a copy by paying for it. Counties make megabucks selling official copies of these documents, so they don't give anything away for free. Even the copy they got when the adoption was completed cost them the full price charged in that county.

  2. with all respect.. Taylor seems to be very misinformed. All states restrict the access to birth certificates.  You CAN get ones sometimes, assuming that they are over 50-75 yrs.

    The reason is id theft, not to mention privacy concerns.

  3. You can go to your local Health Dept. or Dept of Vital Statistics for about $15.00 and Say you need a copy and suprisingly Yes, you can get anyones birth certificate.

    Tell them you want it for genealogical purposes.

    You have to sign for it. You will need to know his new name,

    Date of Birth and where he was born. If the adoption was sealed and you don't have that info, you can't get it.

  4. The only way you can get it is from the family or if you are a legal guardian with court documents stating so. You cannot just get any copy of anyones birth certificate. Ask the friends family for a copy if you'd like.

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