
My friend and I are always fighting :(?

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Lately my friend and I have been on edge with each other. We've been fighting more than usual. Today she got mad at me because I said she WASN'T fat, which she's not, and that I brought up how she always makes fun of me and it bothers me. She always does this. I wasn't being mean I just told her what I've been noticing and I was willing to discuss it with her in a civil way. She always calls me a dummy and retarded and she denied it. It makes me really angry. I don't want to not be friends with her but if she's not willing to talk about it, I don't know what to do. She says that all her friends desert her and I'm just like the other ones. I hate when she says that. Please help me, I don't know what's going on.




  1. Pray, the daughter Of The God. Pray for what you want and if you believe into it then you will receive it. Of course if it is good!

    God Bless You and let the fighting end!

  2. It sounds like she has had bad experiences with her friends before, and been hurt. She may be pushing you away so that she doesn't feel so rejected later. It may be a long time before she feels like she can trust that you won't desert her, too. Ironically, this behavior is what's driving her friends away.

    Ask her if you can have a serious talk. Find out what's bothering her and tell her what's bothering you. That may help her see that you're not going to just walk away.

    One tip in this kind of talk is to own your feelings. Saying things like "I feel ... when", rather than "you make me feel...". You're in control of you're feelings, not her. Good luck!

  3. its normal for friends to fight it usually means that your hanging out with eachother wayyyy to much which is ok when your younger but maybe you both should find and extra friends so that you 2 can have other options then just eachother and i promise you that youll finally get to miss your friend instead of argue with her all the time

  4. If she was really your friend she wouldn't talk  about you. You did the right thing by trying to talk about it, but if she doesn't want to listen then...

  5. Talk to her about it.

    Its not good to be fighting THAT much

    Good-luck x

  6. you sound like me and my friend. my friend always says I'm not strong at all and that I'm weak and she gets mad at every little thing! we do get in fights alot but when that happens i always txt her saying if your gonna end our friendship over something stupid then idk what to say. after that she always says sorry and if your friend doesnt want to then oviously theres no point in keeping a friend who doesnt want to say sorry to u or want to keep a friendship. if she says sorry or something then thats great but if shes gonna not say sorry why bother??

  7. don't worry your not doing anything wrong. if she doesnt respect your feeling then thats not a true friend. if her calling you a r****d and dummy bothers you you have a right to say he can you stop that i dont Like when you call me that. and to me if a friend says "She says that all her friends desert her and I'm just like the other ones." well i can tell you right there she needs a wake up call. it seems like she doesnt respect you as much as she should. her saying that to you in my mind is equal to her kinda of controlling you

  8. You two are probably getting sick of each other. You guys shouldn't hang out that much ( If you guys like hang out everyday) But try talking to her, and Say to her if she cuts you off from trying to talk about it.. Say Its like you dont want to work things out to still be friends like How I'm trying so hard. And Maybe she will feel bad. But try talking.

  9. well she got a problem u should leave her alone for a while and let her think about it then yall need 2 work it out first talk about good things then explain the bad things she shoudnt 2 u if she dnt do that or if this wnt work STOP BEING HER FRIEND

  10. Well i just ended a friendship like that. She was always getting mad over the littlest things. It was immature. Mine started with the odd fight over a dumb thing so i ignored it. I wish i wouldn't of. We grew closer but she kept getting mad ! So finally i couldn't take it anymore she had no right to treat me like that. I said we needed some space and of course it hurts a lot i mean its your best friend,  but no one deserves to be treated like that over nothing. So try talking to her again but whatever you decide be careful it only gets worse from there...  

  11. shes probably jealous of you

  12. Sit down and talk like adults and try and iron out the problem,,,communication is the best thing and if a good friend u dont want to lose

  13. She mistreats her friends and then they ditch her.  You probably will only be friends if you take her mistreatment or she changes which isn't likely to happen.  Try talking to her about it but don't take her abuse.  She has issues.

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