
My friend and I are having a contest to see who can find the most creative things to write eachothers lett...?

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My friend and I are having a contest to see who can find the most creative things to write eachothers letters on. What should I write my letter to her on??? Thanks for the suggstions! :)




  1. Try making your own paper (type it into Google) and you can put all kinds of pretty stuff into it before it sets, like glitter and stuff.

  2. Interesting. When I read your question I assumed you were asking what topic you should choose to write to your friend about. Your first answer obviously took it to mean what surface you should choose to actually write the words on. I have no idea which of us is correct, it could go either way. I'll try to give you ideas for both, just for fun.


    How advertising affects your life.

    How to find the perfect shoes.

    If you could have any pet in the world what would it be?

    Cars you hate, and why.

    Campaign season: Is 2 years too long? Why?

    Wal-Mart: The soul of evil?

    Chinchillas: Friend or fur?


    Origami fortune teller (youtube has videos, Yahoo! won't let me post a link)

    That license plate your dad has nailed to the basement wall.

    T-shirt / pillowcase



    OK. I'll go away now.

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