
My friend and I need something to do tomorrow cost free!

by  |  earlier

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Any ideas? We need to get out of the house because both of our families are having open houses, but we don't want to spend any money.




  1. I don't know where you live, but, if you live near the beach you can go there. Get some sun. Or if the beach is out, pack up some food and go on a picnic at a park. Or if you live in the mountains, you could go on a hike, or maybe a bike ride. How bout the mall and hang out. An internet cafe, Starbucks, just to hang out. Wherever, there are so many. You choose.

  2. 1) Have your parents drop you off at the mall.

    2) Go get a makeover at a makeup counter at a big department store

    3) Go for a bike ride

    4) Go visit another friend and do manicures on yourself

    5) Get dropped off at your grandparents. They would love to see you for the afternoon.

  3. the beach

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