
My friend and I want to visit London after we finish high school. How do we start?

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Right now we are sophmores, and we have always wanted to go to England, as our parents won't take us. Aside from saving up money, I was curious as to what you think two 18 year old girls would want to do there, where it would be safe to stay, and other things you would reccomend planning.

Wew hope to make this a memorable trip before we head off to our respective universities. Thank you very much!




  1. Start by booking plane tickets, then book hotels.

    When you arrive go to tourist office and get a list of sites with opening times and admission prices.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  2. You both are very young to go to a big city overseas alone, if you can possibly afford it book onto a tour so that you would be with a group and have a courier.  If you have to do it freelance, book into the best hotel you can afford, get all the travel books, brochures etc. and you then can plan an itinerary.  All large cities, wherever they are, can pose dangers, pickpockets etc.  Sorry to be old and boring but you don't want anything to spoil your vacation. Have a lovely time.  Don't forget Windsor Castle (Windsor town is cool to go walking through) which is not far from London (you can get a train from Waterloo Station).

  3. Research it, everything that you want to do. Take up a job or something to earn more money.

  4. Save money, get passports, buy tickets and book place to stay. Or get travel agent to arrange all the details for you ... then all you will need is money and a passport.

  5. my sagest is to book hotel from you country,  it is depend on how match you want to spend and you can comber the price

    (dint forget to get hotel not fare from central of London or maybe 5 mail away from centre)

    the best place you have to go is (information office )at Piccadilly circus they can give you all information you need and discount card to visit to some attraction cinema and theatres.

  6. Haha, I'm a sophomore too and I have the exact same idea with my friends, go to London. I say take tons of pictures. I'm really into photography so probably bring a nice camera with you and take some cool pictures of the scenery. I would probably visit Abbey Road too, where the beatles walked.

  7. the two of you sharing a room you will need about $5000 US dollars each for a 3 week stay. i recommend the premier travel inn - they are everywhere and easy to book. you don't need a car, use the public transport. if you save 208 dollars for the next 24 months you will have the money.

    so start saving your pennies.

    airfare 1500, food eat cheap, lodging is what kills ya.

    it takes quite a while to get a passport, so you can get that accomplished now, as a small goal. another small goal to get a visa card with about a 5000 limit in your name once you turn 18. you will use it in your adult life for travel.

    edited to add: you will need luggage with sturdy wheels. another small goal.

  8. Map out your destinations according to where you are going to stay. And have an idea of where you'd like to visit each day so you know approx. how many miles away from your hotel you are. Its weird being in a place so far from home, so having a map and knowing where you semi-are is really helpful. Also, a given, always stay together. I would recommend a guided tour. And of course, stay safe. Common sense will help you a lot when you're out on your own.

  9. A hotel such as a Hilton are very safe. Or a Travelodge. There are many in the city centre but theyre quite pricey.

    I'd recommed going on the London Eye, going to Madame Toussaudes, seeing Buckingham Palace...

    There are loads of things to do, but plan your time well, you can't do it all in a day.

  10. I first went to London at 19 and all by myself ( i used a travel agent - this was  the days before the internet)

    I would recondmend checking out Bed & Breakfast places to stay at- often cheaper than hotels and you get the advantage of staying with a Real  London person/family- and it gives you someone to ask questions to and if you two had any problems you had a local person to contact

    ( I got stuck in central london during a sudden Transport strike and my "host" family helped me get back)

    Read lots of Travel books/ internet sites- learn about  the

    rail/bus/underground  and travel passes--

    Each of you write down what really interests you- history/ shopping/ theater/shows and try to make a plan-

    Often major attractions are grouped in areas of London

      Also there are  low cost guided Walks around London- on various subjects- this company is my favorite

    Have fun/ be carefull/be informed

  11. I would suggest that you learn how to defend yourselves against knife attackers first.

  12. remember to get a passport first... then after that i would suggest london and visiting everything that the tourist brouchure has to offer... then go to ireland afterwards...

  13. London is a popular place to visit, tho very expensive.  There is loads to see.....just type something like London sights into Google..try various search words.

    You can also find places to stay, expensive and cheap.

    Good Luck.

  14. well i think you need to save up your money witch you said u were already doing.I also think u need to make sure you are ready.Language,food,manners,etc.You also should really know what you are doing.As far as places to stay you need a language place that speeks your language.I hope i Have answered your question.Have a great trip.

  15. London is well known for the fashion industry and west end shows.

    So mabye you would like to go on a few shopping days. Trust me you wouldnt be able to do all the shopping you need to do in London in just one day.

    And then mabye you could go and see a show.

    Personally i would suggest going to see Wicked.


  16. lot has lot

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