
My friend and his other friend were playing with a Ouija board?

by Guest65247  |  earlier

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And he said that there ages were 12 and 25, they died from a car wreck and suicide, and they both asked if they were evil and they said yes so they stopped. but they said if you do they Ouija board that they will see ghosts for the whole life do you think Ouija boards work and what they said was truth they sounded really scared




  1. I have degrees in supernatural studies and if its made by parker brothers or the like you can use a frying pan for all the good it does. If you really want to have a chance in talking to the dead then your going to need to get your hands on a real sprit board (they are about 10 real ones left in the world) they are thousands of years old and dont have one english letter on them (latin and greek mostly) but even those havent been prooven to work right.

    ITS JUST A GAME PEOPLE. If you played with one and it had a deep meaning to you who ever you were playing with was probly s******g with you

  2. Yes, to be frank Ouija boards are demonic and evil. I don't know what damage they can do to you spiritually but Ouija boards aren't the way to go.  

  3. i would like to see someone like a blind person use one to see if they really work. the skeptics always say the opposite of what the believers say like politicians but why not use a scientific approach? if you put a blind person in a soundproof room with a camera and let them answer questions in unopened envelopes while recording them on video and not let them know if they gave a correct response until after the test then you would know if they work. if they did that then it would finaly shut up both sides once and for all.

  4. Ouija boards are like surfing the net without anti-virus--you never know what nasty thing you can pick up, and it can make your life miserable for a pretty long time unless you get that nasty out.

    Purification techniques include smudging (burning incense) and ringing a bell too drive demons and bad spirits away.  Wind chimes can be helpful, too, I've heard.

  5. The Ouija board itself has no power. They are perfectly safe... if used properly; they're not a toy. Negative energy tends to be attracted to people using them; they like to scare people by lying through the board. Actual contact with the spirit world through inexperienced Ouija board users is rare though. Spiritualists and the like normally use them to communicate with the spirit realm easier. Most often, people unconsciously make small unnoticeable movements and are convinced of a spiritual presence. There's a proper way to close a Ouija board session, and a proper way to dispose of the boards; my advice is to just stop using it. Sell it, put it away in a closet and don't even think of using it, give it away... they obviously can't handle it. Whether they work or not, they have been known to disturb people to the point of insanity and ruin lives.

    If your friends notice any negative energy (they could have unleashed something), try the ancient and very effective cleansing ritual below.

    Smudging, it's called:

    You will need a dry bundle of sage; you can get these at most metaphysical and even herbal stores.Open a window in each room.Light the sage bundle on fire, making sure you have something to catch the ashes in. Walk around your entire home and allow the smoke to circulate and cleanse the energy and space.

    Remember to be firm and unemotional while walking around your house and saying loudly and firmly: "This sage is cleansing out all negative energies and spirits... all

    negative energies and spirits must leave now through the windows and not return." until you feel that the negative energy is gone (you will feel it), and then say: "In the name of God , this room is now

    cleansed." Know and sense this.

    Remember not to worry about how you sound if you stumble on your words. The main thing is your intent, which is your faith. You have power and have nothing to fear. Your intentions are to rid the home of negative energies and spirits and they will know this, if they are there. Always work with your own energy from within your soul and incorporate this energy into the cleansing. Draw your divine power from within your innermost being.

    Once you have completed this cleansing, you can go back into all of the rooms (if you want) with a pleasant incense such as lavender while inviting all loving, protecting, positive spirits into the home. You may end the ritual by lighting a white candle and setting it on a table to burn for a bit to "seal" the ritual.

    If you have any other spirit questions, feel free to e-mail me please.

  6. I disagree with jj saying it is only a game. it's not a game,it is corrosponding with evil spirits.i hope they never use one again.if they didn't close it by saying goodbye to the demon then the demon could still be roaming free in the place they used it.

  7. if you believe in demons etc, ouija boards can mess with your head.  if you don't believe, then what's the point, because it's all fake.  so, why bother?

  8. First of all you should never mess with a ouija board! Things could come through that you don't want. Spirits and ghosts also have a tendency

    to lie through those boards.

    Not good!

  9. nothing good ever comes form ouija could open a door you cant close! shouldnt mess around with what you dont know  

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