
My friend and i want to start a summer baby sitting service my question is do we need to be 12 becase she is..

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12 and i wont be till desember but i am more mature than a 13 year old and i have more pation than her i would be doing most o the baby sitting and i love little kids can we can we advertize our service or not i really love baby sitting but i'm not 12




  1. You don't have to be 12, but parents are more likely to hire you if you're a little holder, patient, mature, trained in CRP and first aid and so on.

    By the way, why are you on here if you're not at least 13??

  2. You should probrobly wait til' your at least 12 casue people will trust you more. 13 is actually the legal age, so i would wait til' then!

  3. i think 12 is ok, but to get better business.  try to become CPR certified..or find baby sitting seminars or classes in your area.  ( i have taken a couple)  it really will make you stand out and people will trust you more despite your age

  4. suure i started babysitting when i was 10

    but i had my mom teach me

    so you  should definitely know what your getting yourself into

    yeah you mite have some patience now but once you babysitt the kids for a long tiime they drive you INSANE

    but yeah, after my experience i would say wait till you get a bit older at least 14

  5. I wouldn't leave my child with two 12 year olds...maybe next summer....

  6. Sure! I'm 12. Start babysitting!

  7. learn to spell first and some people will if you know them well like neigbours or family friends but i doubt a random stranger will soz

  8. If you babysit together, that would probably get you more business...but some people would probably hire you under 12.  Just depends on who you are hoping to babysit for.

  9. I used to sit when I was like 8, thigs have changed but you still can.  If you want to be legit, some local RED CROSS have babisitting classes, they certify you in CPR and all that stuf.  Check it out.

  10. Legally you can't babysit or be responsible for another child until you are 12 years old.  You can be there to help her but you yourself couldn't legally be considered the babysitter and be paid for it.  She could advertise as a babysitter but you couldn't.  Also at 12 years old you should be watching no more than 2 children at one time and legally you can't babysit more than i believe it is 20 hrs a week because of child labor laws.

  11. I have three kids and I pretty chill about who can babysit my children. By the way you spell, I can tell that you are still a bit immature. Also, having two girls babysit reminds me of when my best friend and I used to go babysit these two small girls. We would play with each other and hardly watch the girls! We were way too young to be put in charge of another human. I say, give yourself a few years and maybe take a babysitting class. They include CPR/ First Aid instruction as well as other stuff you should know. Hope this helps!

  12. you prolly will be able to babdysit for famkily members like cousins and siblings but i dont think strangers will hang their child over to a 12 year old sorry

  13. Hey. There aren't any laws against 11 year olds baby-sitting, but i don't think you'll get many jobs, whether your 11 or 12. What I do recommend is that  

    a) you become a "mother's helper" not a baby-sitter. this is when you watch the kid while the mother cleans, naps, etc. That way, if something goes wrong, shes right there. you'll still get paid but not as much.

    b) becoming a mother's helper first gives you hands on experience and a bond with the mothr and child you're working with. it can set you up for a higher paying, steady baby-sitting job when your're older.

    c) my last recommendation is this: GET A SPELLING TEXTBOOK. i could barely read what you were trying to say- and that won't impress anyone.

  14. You can advertise but nobody in their right mind would leave their kids alone with an 11 and 12 year old. I know I wouldn't.

  15. yea you can...

    you just need skills...

    if they are hungry you cook for them (cooking skills)

    if they go crazy you need a way to calm them down..

    make sure they are safe properly rather than you just accomadating yourself.

    if you have the recommended skills then you can do the baby sitting service.

    haha heres a story my friend started a baby sitting service and he ***** cook and made the little kids have sore stomach lolz >.<

  16. you sound very mature:) im myself started one a few weeks ago with a friend. im 13. it didnt work out so well. lets just say, i only got 1 call.

    but im sure you'd get off to a better start. put up flyers in your neighborhood.

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