
My friend and i were supposed 2 go 2 LA 2 visit another friend. She can't go now. still okay 2 borrow camera?

by  |  earlier

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So my friend and i were supposed to visit another friend of ours in LA but now my friend who I am supposed to go up with, can't go because she has a mid-term the following monday. Can I still ask to borrow her camera to take up with me? (We kept telling her we wished she were coming and this is not the first time she couldn't come out due to something school related so she shouldn't feel that left out right? or find it rude if i ask her for her camera?)




  1. No, its not rude. It's not like she wasn't invite.  Just be sure to take care of it and be willing to replace it if anything should happen.

  2. Etiquette wise you should not ask her. This is just a reminder that she is being left out of something fun that is going on. BUT, you know her best and if you don't think she would mind lending it to you then go ahead and ask.

  3. I wouldn't ask if I were you. I hate letting people borrow my camera. (Sorry- but I do!) Cameras aren't that expensive these days. Maybe you could buy one? I got a pretty good one at Walmart for 90 bucks. And its pink!

  4. If you can't get another camera elsewhere, I think you should just buy some disposable cameras instead. I think asking your friend for hers would come across as rubbing it in her face.....but if she's really your friend, you should know her best.....and if you know her not to mind, or think it rude....then ask her. But seeing your on here the disposable cameras

  5. go ahead and ask, just do it tactfully.

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