
My friend ask me a question: why do people fall in love ???

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why do people fall in love?? plz help me




  1. Why do we fall in love in general?  Probably largely because our kids need such a long time to grow up.  They rely on their parents for a very long time, and having two parents is much better.  We're also a social species; the various types of love that we feel are the bonds that hold our groups together.  If you have a strong connection to the people in your group, you're going to take care of them and put up with their nonsense, just as they will you.

    Why do we fall in love with specific people?  This is a very complicated subject.  It has to do partly with what we've grown up with- it's true that people tend to be attracted to those who look like them (or their families).  We are also attracted to people who are similar in other ways, like education level, class, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and others.  There are other things that you subconsciously look for.  One of my favorites is smell.  Have you ever noticed that some people of the gender you favor tend to smell _really_ good?  Interestingly enough, it's because their immune system is different from yours.  You and them can make a baby with a more diverse, and possibly thus stronger, immune system.  Neat, eh?

  2. Love is everyones ultimate journey. You would fight for it, sacrifice for it, and even change yourself to be surrounded by it.

    There are some people that are perfectly happy being alone but they surround themselves with things they love. In history, some wars were started for the love a woman. Some have given up their family & friends to love one person.

    If God is love, then being away from it would cast us into h**l. Since everyone is different we all seek a different kind of love but that is ultimately what we seek in the end.

  3. Love can often be restated as "I just don't want anybody else to be with this person. It would make me jealous and hurt."

  4. Dear friend,

    There is no answer for ur question coz this is the hardest quest on life.

    We fall in love because we are a humans, We fall in love because we can feel,

    we fall in love coz we must do, this is the love the best feeling in life,

    We need love so we fall in, we need care, hope, smile, dream and be loved. so that we fall in love.  

    urs forever

  5. lol this is a broad and vague question. uhm i guess it gives you a different outlook on life. makes you feel better about yourself and others? ha idk

  6. How could they not fall in love.

  7. You find that someone who has the qualities you don't. They complete you. That's why opposites attract.

  8. Love makes the world go around!!

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