
My friend ate some of those bright purple mushrooms we found in our backyard and now he is complaining of stom

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ach pains and says he is sick!? i keep telling him to wait and he will start tripping soon and it will be awesome but he keeps saying he is ill... lol, i need reassurance to show him that he i sok and will start being high soon?




  1. mushrooms may have fungus in it.  It is poisonous some times.  If he is restless and sick with nausea and vomiting, and drink little water many times, he may be given one dose of Arsenic Album 30.  If not he should be removed to hospital.

            Mushrooms are Selenium rich and therfore in a balanced intake it is good for your requirement,  excess consumption of mushroom cause  an impotency condition dribbling and wastage of s***n during sleep,  of increased desire and decreased ability. s***n thin and colourless. Releaxation on each attempt.  The condition will be cured within no time by using just one or two doses of Selenium 30 in homeopotency and when that happens you are proving that homeopathy is the medicine that works.  Medicines should not be given without consultation with a doctor.

  2. If it were me or someone I cared about, I would immediately dose him/her with 1 teaspoon liquid extract of Milk Thistle Seed (Silymarin) and take him/her to the emergency room. There is no antidote for mushroom poisoning and it can cause irreversible liver damage. MTS extract is the best there is to cleanse the liver & has even saved lives.

    I don't know of any purple mushrooms purported to be deadly, but they can make sensitive people seriously ill, especially if one's immune system is already compromised. What is delicious food to one person can make another very sick, as I've experienced feeding my hubby wild Chantrelles that caused him to throw up violently.

    Never, ever eat wild mushrooms that you haven't positively identified, with a book in hand, as being perfectly safe for everyone, including children and pregnant ladies. I.e. "no poisonous look-alikes."

    Here's an online guide about mushroom poisoning:

  3. Don't take any chances


  4. get the picture of the mushroom he ate and show him

    but if you were wrong he may be in danger, and if this is the case and you are not all the way sure take the mushrooms and him to a poisoning medical center that can help identifying the type, better safe then...who knows.

  5. I would take him to the hospital right away. Don't eat mushrooms if you don't know what you are doing. And stop trying to get high. It's not good for you!

  6. so how old are you and where is your mommy?  Christ, can't leave the kids home alone at all any more, they go and eat the back yard.  Get your friend to a doctor or call your local ER for advice.  Not all mushrooms get you high and not all are safe to ingest in any way shape or form, dummy.

  7. Udaya you dumb as$, A MUSHROOM IS A FUNGUS.

  8. know your shrooms before you eat them !!!!!!!!!!!

  9. UH, genius not all mushrooms will get you high.

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