
My friend bought my son a craptastic robot toy for his BIRTHDAY! And my son likes it! Why???????

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Ok, so it was my son's 6th Birthday party this weekend and we had a total freakin blast! I hired this clown and the clown totally did a back flip and farted. This made everyone laugh. Freakin Awesome. Anyways, my freakin friend shows up, late as h**l stinkin like beer and beef jerky, un-shavin and wearing sun glasses! He hands my son this crappyass flea market robot that dances and makes stupid future noises. Its c**p! I bought my son a power wheel car and he plays with that dumb caca robot more than the power wheel! What the h**l is going on?! How come my son apprieciates my friends halfass gift more than mine???




  1. Did you buy the toy car because your son said he wanted it really badly, or did you buy it thinking "I would have loved this when I was a kid?"

    I find when I buy my son something on the basis of what I would have enjoyed, he is usually pretty indifferent to it.  You have to pay attention to your kid and buy him what he wants, not what you want.

  2. The key with children is that they like things simple - easy to carry around, makes noises and amusing.

    The power wheel is kind of big and bulky where you have to go outside to really use it.

    Did you buy the power wheel for yourself (symbolically)? or did your son really want it?

  3. Because he is a kid....  They are like that, completely un materialistic and happy with a box.  Lesson learned, right?

  4. You think that a kids favorite toy is the most expensive one?  He probably went with the robot because it is the most unique or fascinating toy he got.  It goes to follow that the kids liked the clown when he farted after a back-flip.

  5. It's shiny and goes beep.

    That's it.

    Kids are kids. Why do you put so much importance on who's toy he likes?

    I'd  be so happy if a friends got my babe a toy that they loved, even if it was cack. Kids usually like that stuff lol.

    Try spending more time with your son. You're his dad, and he loves you. It's not about who's toy he likes, stop trying to buy his affection. You already have it!

    He's 6 years old.

    To be honest, you don't sound that much older if you think a farting clown is so funny.

    Play catch, alien invasion, cops, etc..... have fun with your son, and see how much he loves you. Then you won't be hung up on the fact he likes a robot.

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