
My friend called me and she's really upset. her friend found out shes been hooking up with her crush?

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ok so my friend laura has been hooking up with this guy nick. her friend liz has a crush on him so when they started hooking up she didn't tell her. now she and nick are over but nick's friends told liz everything. liz is really mad and won't talk to laura or nick.

and this really isn't me, it really is my friend laura. im talking to her on the phone right now and she's crying and i don't know how to help her. she just threw up cus she's so upset. and she keeps saying tell me what to do and i don't know what to tell her to do.

please help??




  1. She's gonna need to give her some space and time.

    Wow, what a true "friend"...

  2. Ok look just tell her not to cry anymore and tell her that everything is going to be ok. And for her just to talk to Laura or Liz who ever it is.

  3. She shouldn't have done anything if she wasn't ready for the consequences.

  4. Tell her to stop crying and tell Liz that she's sorry for hooking up with her crush.

  5. You just need to stay out of it before it back fires on you some how or some way, because if you continue to get in it, some how your going to be all in the mix...

  6. you tell her to stfu and to get over 6th grade drama.


    not to be a d**k or anything, but shes not going to marry him.

    tell her to go to a party, get drunk, and hook up with any guy she wants.

    and then she picks her favorite one.

    and continues on with life.

  7. What's the big deal?


    Liz wasn't with Nick...

    So what if Laura was?

    Laura probably liked Nick for a while...

    She was with him...

    If Liz is making such a big deal, to make Laura cry..

    She has to think about it...

    Now she can have Nick...

    Tell Laura to stop crying...  

    Tell Liz to grow up [Sorry]

    But seriously... Liz didn't own Nick...

    He could do what he wanted.

    Laura could do what she wanted...

    Tell Liz to lighten up... Now she can have him if she wants.

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