
My friend called me while drunk; what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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He randomly called me the other night, telling me right off the bat he was drunk. We talked for about 2 hours. He kept saying things like 'you're so cool/smart/hot'. At one point he told me I was the female Albert Einstein..haha. Another guy got on the phone and asked me a lot of questions about my friend(Justin) and I, he may have been drunk also :P

And umm, Justin also said a few times he was getting a *****...and proceeded to m********e. I stayed on the phone because his friends left and I didn't want him to hurt himself.

We finally hang up, but he called me again at 3:41 AM (missed call). So I called him back that next day, and it was so awkward! I told him I was just checking up on him, and that was it. I'm so confused. I've had a crush on this boy since I was 12. He never called me before really. What is going on?




  1. he like s you alot and is afraid to show it sober

  2. hes drunk . forget about it. he'll maybe forget about all of it next morning. but talk to him and catch up.

  3. he was "drunk" what do you expect

  4. I would forget about it because they seem to be all drunk .  However if they mention it then you can respond with whatever you want to say.  Never take anything serious when someone is drunk unless you know the person real well.

  5. I believe he had a little fantasy in his drunkenness and thought you would be available for a booty call. If he keeps calling you, sober, every so often, there may be something else. But I would not date a guy who calls you drunk that early in the morning!!! You deserve a funny, smart guy, not a cute drunk one!!!!  

  6. It was a booty call - he knows you like him and you'd be easy to get. Ignore him.

  7. sounds to me like the guy likes ya he just was either scared of rejection and didnt wanna tell you or he didnt know how and being drunk gave him the courage to tell you. its happened to me before lol

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