
My friend calls me and uses his speaker phone. I say this is rude. What's your opinion please?

by  |  earlier

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My friend whether I call him or he calls me insists on using his speaker phone. He proceeds walk to all over his apartment or engage in cooking,washing dishes, or general chores. I find this rude and annoying. I have explained to him that I find it rude, not to mention it is often a struggle to hear him. It makes talking to him NOT FUN. He becomes annoyed when I ask him to wait to he is NOT BUSY and can talk on a regular phone.

I am not afraid of being on speaker phone.... I just can't here him. He knows I am posting this question. Am I wrong to ask him to call on a regular phone? Or is he correct in using whatever phone he likes?




  1. If he knows you're posting this question and isn't willing to work with you so your conversations are less strained, then your question isn't about speaker phones or even rudeness.

    This is a question about friendship.  Why in GOD'S NAME would a person who is your friend and who, ostensibly cares about you, be so dismissive of your problem?

    How often does this guy, in your presence, blow-off other people's opinion, belittle those around him, shrug in uncaring at what people want, or generally behave in a manner which is self-important and arrogant?

    I'd bet, he's not known for being warm.  I'd go further and bet that he has very few CLOSE friends besides yourself.  I'm not talking about a circle of friends, I'm talking about a core of friends.

    Sounds like it's time for someone to grow up and take a look around a world that doesn't revolve around him.

  2. well yeah i have to agree with you... its kinda rude... it's like he takes you for granted...

  3. It's not rude if he is the only one at his end listening. If he has guests, then he is being utterly rude.  If you have a problem hearing, because of poor quality, let him know you can't hear him.

  4. I hang up on people instantly if they put me on speaker.

    Actualy I tell them to call be back when they can talk,then I hang up.

  5. Since you've already stated your preference, you just need to follow through and say :"Give me a call back when you are not busy." Seriously, why have a conversation if you can't even hear the person?

  6. I hate the speaker phone...I think he's rude.

  7. If it bothers you and he is your friend, he should adapt to your comfort zone.  Don't call for a while.  Can you e-mail instead?  That way, you won't hear the toilet flush.  Speaker phones are impersonal and should be reserved for boardrooms.

  8. I would say "you're breaking up, I can't hear you could you pick up please?"  I have to do it to my boss all the time, I just think it's so rude.  What is even worse is when they have someone else in the room listening in on your conversation and never let you know it until the end of the conversation when you hear them piping in about the conversation.  Now that's bad etiquette.  Tell your friend to quit being lazy and pick up!

  9. Just keep talking to your friend about it

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