
My friend crashed his motorcycle,can he still join the Marines?

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He crashed his motorcycle and cut the tendons in his knee and foot.The cuts on his knee and foot are approximately 2 inches deep.He is walking in crutches right now and is expected to recover in 6 weeks.He asked the nurses and they wouldn't give him a straight answer.

Here are some pics-Warning there is some blood.




  1. There is no one on this board who can answer this question.  First of all, how he heals up will determine that.  Secondly, a medical review would have to be done to see if he as the range of motion, etc. that would be needed.  

  2. He needs to do rehab and exercise.  If he is "back to normal" in six months he can apply to get in.  If he has residual limitations as far as strength or speed,  he probably can not.

    If they are not sending him to Physical Therapy he needs to go.  They are the best at ensuring he has a good recovery.

  3. As long as he passes the Marine Corps physical entrance exam, he should have no problem getting in. The rigorous training they receive will only enhance the healing power of his knee and foot.

  4. If he heals his wounds and recovers with no permanent injury then it will be as if he never even had an accident..

    If he has permanent damage then it will be up to a doctor as to whether he is allowed entry or not.

    You should show this article to your amigo..The USMC is gonna start cracking down on motorcycle drivers even harder since they are dieing in record numbers this year.

    Good luck to your friend dude.

  5. If the Marine Corps doesnt no about it .. he can.. But when he gets injured in Boot and they find out it was previously injured and he didnt tell them, he will be in a **** load of trouble, and be discharged.

    When you tear tendons its unlikly that you can join the Marine Corps, If you tear one in bootcamp, you get discharged. (happened to a few friends of mine).

    Because it is torn .. and because of the insane physically intense training they do, it would make his knee much worse, it will tear again, and more easily.  He would be a major liability and would not make it through bootcamp with out further injury.

    However if he is FULLY healed, depending on the severity of the tear, and gets Medically cleared. He shouldnt have a problem. But I wouldnt suggest signing up in 6 weeks lol. He will need alot of time to recover fully, if at all possible.

    Good luck to him!! :):)

  6. When his injuries heal he must meet the following range of motion standards. If he does not, he is disqualified:

    Knee- Full extension to zero degrees.

              Flexion to 110 degrees.

    Ankle- Dorsiflexion to 10 degrees.

               Planter flexion to 30 degrees.

    In addition he must be free of pain or other post-injury symptoms. That would include any inability to walk, run or march without a noticeable limp or other restriction on the limb involved.

    The chief problem in any healing of a tendon injury is the reduction in range of motion of the joint involved.

    The source below is the medical standard.

  7. I had a motorcycle accident on 1/01/73 and went in to boot on 1/29/73.i had a fractured hip and didn't know it. All that marching really made it hurt. after getting it diagnosed I was given the choice to go home or finish boot on crutches.I stayed with waivers.

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