
My friend crashed my motorcycle and was injured?

by Guest64173  |  earlier

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I let my friend take out my motorcycle in a parking lot yesterday, and he crashed it, damaging my bike, and he was also injured. He went to the hospital for his injuries (cuts, scrapes, burns, nothing serious)... am I legally liable for his injuries... will I have to pay for this hospital bill? I have no motorcycle insurance




  1. Your not responsible for anything except the repairs to your possession, your bike.  If he has any type of insurance, you may want to try to claim on his policy.  If he's a friend, he should step up to the plate and offer to pay for the bike repairs, since HE was at fault.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong UwishUkn

  2. No insurance? Dang that sucks!

    Yes, you are responsible for the damages to your bike, AND for the injuries your friend sustained.

    If your friend has auto insurance and carries medical payments or uninsured motorist coverage, he can claim his injuries with his company. They will pay, but you have to pay the company back.

  3. call a lawyer out of the phone book and ask him

  4. Since he was using your motorcycle with your permission, your insurance would cover his injuries.  Since you don't have insurance, you will have to open your wallet to pay it.  And you may get a ticket for no insurance.

  5. If your friend is no friend at all he can end up suing you over this, making you pay for his injuries. If he is a true friend he wont do that.

    Tell him you will pay for the bike, he will pay for his injuries and you both will learn a lesson on it and stay friends.

    Oh, and get insurance. Its worth it.

  6. You are not liable to him, he is liable to you.  He owes you for getting your bike fixed.  If he had injured a third party or damaged someone else's property, you would be fully liable for that.  Why did you let him ride it?

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