
My friend died and i don't know how to feel ?

by  |  earlier

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There was this guy that i would to talk to almost everyday on the phone , because we lived far from eachother , we really couldn't hang out or do stuff together. Last month or i should say the very last thing we said to eachother was '' i'll talk to you later'' i would call his cell phone and house phone and no answer....until this past Thursday i called his house at 9 pm and his mom answered and she asked me who was speaking and i told her who i was and she said ''well i'm sorry to tell you this , but he passed away july 9th from leukemia :( i felt so terrible for her, i could tell that she didn't want to talk about it.

I didn't know how to feel, i felt very numb, everything around me went silenced and i didn't know how to react to this terrible news. She told me that he got real sick and had to force him to go to the doctors, well they found out that he had leukemia and died july 9th.

I can't stop thinking about how his last hour was, or did he know that he was going to die...i dunno. I feel so bad for his mom...the last thing i told her was god bless you, and she said thank you.

I don't consider myself religious or anything, but i went to mass today to pray for my friends mom and for my friend.

B.T.W i never met his mom , she knew about me, but she was happy that i was his friend.

Anyone know how i feel ? or experienced something similiar ?

sorry if this doesn't make any sense, i'm just writing down i how i feel

thanks in advance




  1. my uncle has leukemia we found out cause he was sick and he wouldn't eat but he didn't go to the doctor either cause his wifes mother is a doctor so she just kept perscribing pills the other day his gums started bleeding he was hospitalized almost died i dont understand how! he rand miles every morning now he's bald cause of  leukemia he cant even cut the grass without going to the emergency room i hate i cant imagine him dying im so sorry for your goinf thru i've lost 4 friends in the last ten months idk go to church or write just let your feelings out some how

  2. There is no right or wrong way to feel 'JUST FEEL SWEETIE' that's all god bless you and your friend and his mom TAKE CARE

  3. im so sorry for you and your friends family. there is no right or wrong way to feel about someone's death, everyone deals with it differently. try to work out your emotions, but if you cant, then no big deal. just cry if you feel like it, dont if you dont. just dont be depressed for your whole life because of your friend, because you know he wouldnt want that for you. he would want you to keep living your life and move on. there will always be a place in your heart for him, but there are so many more people to meet and learn and love.

    good luck!

  4. It's painful! i know how you feel. It will never be okay. Let the flame that resembles your memory of him burn forever. Talk about him to your family and friends, it'll help you get through the sorrow much faster. Keep yourself occupied with sports, music, school, etc. Balance your life with a mutual amount of activities.

    Like i said it'll never be okay! but, always know that your friend will never be more than a dream away.

    he'll always hold a piece of your heart.

    Good luck!

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