
My friend doesnt understand...?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is mean, calls ppl names, tells rumors about me and others, and dated like 5 guys this school year! and we we're in 5thgrade!(i start 6th on the 21st.) i dont want to be her friend anymore i cant take it... and then when i dont hang out with her or go with another group of friends she tells all these lies about me like i'm alesbian or she goes and tells people i had crush on her! i like guys i'm a girl. i'm fed up with it all... on the first day i'm going to talk with her on the benches about it all what do u think i should say?




  1. i'm 13 and i kinda been through this before when i was in elementry. ask her if you if she was you friend she wouldn't be doing stupid stuff to get you pissed. tell her right off, and ignore all those rumors because she has no other hobbie but to act like an idiot

    good luck

  2. well first of all if she was really your firend

    she wouldnt spread lies.

    two; shes a w***e. thats alot of guys.

    trust me something like this happend to me.

    i just told her straight up.

    but in a nice way.

    tell her somethinng like

    "hey why are you always so mean to people,

    i mean thats just really rude and not a good thing to live with your life. im your firend and you should treat me like a firend not like a ***** living in the street, everytime i wanna hang with someone else you say lies about me and thats just not right i cant live with that and how you are anymore"

    something like that,

  3. if ur to scared to tell her then make stuff about her and tell peole those rumors werent true that she made them up but if u do wanna tell her say that a real frend woodnt be mean and make stuff up but personally its better wen u decide how to do it

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