
My friend fancies me. What do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I went to this camp in the summer and i met this boy. we were getting on well but he is a best friend material not boyfriend material. he lives in scotland and i live in england. we then started talking on msn still as a friendly chat. the other day he admitted that he fancies me but i don't feel the same way. hes a nice guy and everything but do i give him a chance? or do i tell him i just want to be friends with him?




  1. you can try with me. ha ha ha ha h ah ah a

  2. just say to him "i like you as a mate and i don't want it to be much more sorry but also we don't need to be going out to talk" he should understand because its not like you can stop him fancying you but you cant turn around and love him!

    hope i helped

  3. You need to do the thing that you feel good with.

  4. give him a chance...maybe he is not a nice guy after all and if not , you will surely like him also. harharhar  

  5. well really it is your call but long distance relationships are really hard so you might tell him you just want to be friends because of the distance as not to hurt him

  6. let him off but do it easy. if he truley is as close a friend as u say, a doubt u'd want to hurt him. let him kno that u like him too, just not in the same way and u just want to remain friends. hopefully he is understanding and u will remain friends. good luck

  7. steff i think you should to tell him that you just want to be he friend.he will understand.and you still can be he friend in this world not everything essy in relationship.remember you need tell from your heart not from your heart ok.muhamuha.

  8. Well it all boils down to 1 thing.Do u seriously feel comfortable having him as Ur boyfriend.If yes then go ahead.But be warned long distance relationships are very hard to maintain,so think whether u like him that much to put up with it.

    Do Wat u are comfortable with.don't say yes unless u are certain he will make a good boyfriend.After all he is Ur friend and will understand if u say no.

  9. give him a chance! but its better to meet in person than to talk to the internet, after all youve seen him before so give him a chance. he may be the one for you, you never know unless you take yer chances.

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