
My friend from school just died in a car wreck...?

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My friend from school died in a car collision...

On July 3, 2008 at roughly 2 pm, three teenagers were involved in a one-car collision in town. The driver, Christian, blacked out, and the car went out of control. They tried to get the steering whee from him, but they crashed into a tree. None were wearing seatbelts. Darien, a girl in the front seat, was ejected from the car. She landed in the grass. Stephanie in the back seat was thrown around in the car then crawled out. Christian was tossed out the windshield after Darien, already dead. Steph and Dar were transferred to the hospital of a near by big town. Stephanie died July 3rd at about 8 pm. Darien is currently pulling through. Stephanie was a friend of mine...Not a best friend, but a friend...I don't know what I'll do without her around...I guess this is me asking how am i gonna pull through after this? Nothing in the entire school will ever be the same...




  1. Time is your friend. ......... you will heal........

    Talk to friends about it................Cry!.........Scream!

    Celebrate her life!

    This episode will live it's life and you will carry on........enjoy her memory.....


    Learn from her crash........find out what happened, how, etc. and remember how fragile life can be!

    Distractions (cell phones, texting, conversations, etc), not shoulder checking and not scanning aggressively cause many safe!

    Enjoy your summer

    Live and remember

    Live and learn

    Think and Drive

  2. At the risk of sounding callous --- People die every day.... These arent going to be the only people you will ever know that will pass away in tragic circumstances... You will also in your life know other folks that will pass away from old age, disease, suicide and other reasons....... Death is actualy a part of life.....  Yes I know this will bother you and yes it should but at the same time you should use this as an experience you can grow and gain strength from....... Dont let your emotions and a sense of dispair get the better of you......  Talk to some folks that are older than you. If you can talk to really old folks about it. Many of them have had full lives and look at death with a more sensible perspective than you..... You sound rather young...... Take it from an old guy - over 60 thats seen my share of death, tragedy and other screwed up things in life... Dont let the passing of your friends get the better of you -- greive, celibrate there existence when they were here and move on. You have your whole life ahead of you......

  3. I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss.  It seems like you are really having a difficult time coping.  Schools usually have counseling during these times.  It is probably best to seek them out.

    Good Luck...

  4. When you lose a person who has been close to you there is first the impact of losing that person, later you will come to terms with your loss and after you get to remember the good times rather than the tragedy.  The first two contributors to your question have given you good advice, seek help in school and talk to others about your sadness.

    You seem to know a great deal of detail about the accident and I am not sure that this is too helpful for you, try to remember your friend before the accident.  Equally as much those survivors of the crash will have to come to terms with what has happened.

    I am sorry for your loss, I hope you find the help you need.

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