
My friend gave me a blood sugar test, is it possible I have HIV?

by  |  earlier

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He injected a needle so I'm a little worried. He says he doesn't have HIV or anything like that, but I'm still worried. I've seen his medical records too but it wasn't on there, and I'm still worried.




  1. He used a fresh needle... then there's no chance you got HIV. Besides, you SAID you saw his medical records. And on top of that, a blood sugar test is just a pin-prick to get some blood. Really not the way you get HIV, even if it WERE going to happen.

  2. what are you asking? did he use the needle, then use it on you?  

  3. Maybe you should bet off the computer and get your self a blood test by your doctor.

  4. OK, professionally speaking it would be correct for me to say yes there is always a risk of infection (providing this person is HIV+) But in all honesty, if he just pricked your finger with the needle, it would be SO RARE to contract HIV in this way;, HIV is the most deadly of all the STI's but it is also the most fragile of virus's and does not survive very well outside the body. So even if your friend is HIV+ the chances of you contracting it like this would be so rare. It takes a sufficient amount of infected bodily fluid to infect someone.

    More likely infections would be Hep C and Hep B. So to be on the safe side maybe get tested.


    If the needle was clean then of course there is no risk of infection,providing you trust he is telling the truth. Look, i really wouldn't lose any sleep over this. Like I said, the chances are almost impossible.

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