
My friend gave me a compliment, but then started making fun of me about it. Is shes jealous?

by Guest58430  |  earlier

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She complimented my nails... then I hid them in embarrassment, then she said almost excitedly "are you self cautious about them?", then she made fun of them, saying my fingers were too long. (Yeah, we're particular about our looks).

Why would she do such a huge turn around?




  1. I don't know your friend well enough to be able to say--you are really a far better judge than any of us.  If it were me, I would ask her.

    It may be jealousy.  It may be something else.  I can't say that the idea that you're being punished for not appreciating the compliment appropriately fits my own experiences with such things.

    There are people who express their love for others by insulting them.  A lot of Americans don't get this, and it is so weird, because so many of the people who are this way are Americans. Like immature boys who hit girls when they think their cute, a lot of people (and I don't argue that they are being immature--that wasn't my point) use insults as a way of giving lighthearted, warm attention to others.  I have known people who, if they're insulting you, it's a good thing.  It means they like you. They wouldn't waste their time talking to you if they didn't.

    Sometimes it is a cultural thing. I have a bunch of cousins who are like that. That's just the way they were brought up, it's who they are, and if you understand that about them, they're really a great bunch of guys.

    Sometimes, it IS immaturity. Some people don't know how to express honest feelings, so they're like the school boys with the crush, socking you so that you'll notice them, because it gives them a charge to be touching you.

    Some people really react to noticing something bothers you.  She may be bugging you about it for no other reason than the fact that it bugs you.

    You didn't ask me what you should do about it, so I won't tell you.  Post another question if you want to know. :-)

  2. It saddens me everytime I hear that there our still people out there like that.

    Yes, she sounds either jealous, or self-conscious herself.

    Some people dont feel tall unless they are making someone esle feel short.

    If it really bothered you, speak to her about it, and tell her that you have got to feel as if you can Truly trust in her friendship to continue being friends.


  3. she was probably just trying to get a rise out of you. you showed a weak spot and she attached it. shes probably not jealous just a *****


  5. it doesn't sound like i'd like your friend that much. but i don't know her.

    some make fun just for fun, like if i make fun of somebody it's a sign of friendship and a compliment in itself because i would only do it if somebody was close enough to me that they knew i was just joking and don't think anything negative of them. i make fun of myself that way too.

    but some people make fun to hurt, to make themselves look better.

    if you and your friend are really looks conscious maybe she's trying to tell you she doesn't like your nails.

    i find sometimes, and i hate this, people will compliment somebody on something, when truly they don't mean the compliment. like "nice shirt" when they mean ugly shirt. and sometimes if you take it as a compliment they will say more negative stuff to help you get the point and sometimes not. sometimes they mean for you to pickup sarcasm and sometimes not. maybe your friend just didn't like your nails. but who cares what your friend thinks about them. what matters is that YOU like them. so you don't need to be self conscious about them. i think it is a terrible act to make somebody self conscious about something they like. it is like taking something they like away from them forever, and changing them. i don't like it.

  6. Okay try this one on:

    1) I compliment you expecting you to thanks me and appreciate me for noticing.

    2) You express disdain for the compliment and insecurity about your nails.

    3) I try to figure out why you dissed me, why your insecurity is more important than my THANKS FOR NOTICING and I figure you must have some defect you are trying to cover and thinking out loud foolishly I say "you must have too long fingers."

    I am just defending my right to be praised for complimenting you. I never meant to criticized you, I was still in shock over not getting my due and I spoke out loud what should have been a silent mental observation.

  7. she seems jealous

  8. Because she is jealous. I would tell her you don't appreciate her doing that. What kind of a friend would do that? Obviously she isn't your friend.

  9. You should punch her in the face.  She will learn a lesson from that.

    But it would be better to just get all of your other friends to turn on her.

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