
My friend gave my baby daughter chocolate?

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My daughter is turning 1 in 5 days - - I have this rule about chocolate, I don't want daughter to be introduced to chocolate yet. I am concentrating on fruits and home made vanilla pudding ONLY for desert.

She was at my friends' house for 2 hours because I had to go to a doctor's appointment, she has 19 months old daughter.

I came back and I saw my daughter eating chocolate, of course I didn't make a big deal about it, because it was my fault I didn't tell her anything about chocolate but It actually didn't come to my mind that she will actually give my daughter chocolate.

I always keep baby biscuits in my diaper bag for snacks.

Anyhow - NO BIG DEAL, my question is, has anyone given their baby chocolate and if yes did you feel that they wanted it more and didn't want fruits anymore?





  1. I highly doubt your child can distinguish between fruit and chocolate yet, sure they know the different taste, and liked it, but I think she may just be wondering when that FANTASTIC flavor will reappear.  Your still ok, but it is a good lesson learned, Always kindly remind sitters what is available for snacks and what meals are avail.  As your saying it, you can throw in an undertoned  "we're not doing chocolate and sweets yet, I like her to eat fruit, they provide enough sugar", or something like that.  

    Excellent idea you have and all's going to be ok.  

  2. she wont remember the chocolate after a while and wont remember what it was. Just keep giving her fruit, the sweetness in fruit will keep her satisfied.

    dont worry about it unless she is lactose intolerant or something

  3. if you make chocolate as the "special treat" Once in a while, then they will still eat there fruit & veggies.....

  4. I'm glad you didn't make a big deal out of it. I think that was the best thing to do. I gave my son chocolate from about the age of 1 (in moderation) and although he loved it, he still ate fruit purees and loves yogurts. He's 4 now and although we have chocolate he has just eaten an apple, 2 slices of wholemeal toast and 3 bananas. As long as you don't substitute chocolate for the fruit purees, I'm sure she'll still love both.  

  5. My daughter was given a taste of chocolate ice cream at less than a month old (not my doing BTW) and she's fine.  She likes chocolate, but that was because at a year and a half, she caught Daddy eating Hershey kisses and wanted one.  Chocoholism runs in my family, so I guess it's genetic for her (LOL). She still eats lots of fruits and loves yogurt too.  I wouldn't worry about it.  She's 2 1/2 now and will definitely not turn it down if offered but prefers to go into the fridge and get her own yogurt.

  6. Keep going with the fruits as she is still quite young and it's easy to control her diet. My little girl is 2 1/2 and goes to lots of birthday parties and other kids homes where there are cakes, sweets and chocolate. She loves them like all kids do and I find it easier to give her a small amount most days. For example 6 chocolate buttons in a little bowl, or  the small 5pence bags of haribo. These are given after tea with dessert being a big bowl of fruit. Giving her a little stops her craving it and she's quite happy with a little taste. Friends of mine who banned sweets and chocolates completely ended up with older children obsessed with sweets and chocolate and when any came on offer would gorge themselves silly! My friends child in high school, she discovered she was spending all her dinner/pocket money on chocolate as she knew she wouldn't get any at home. There needs to be a balanced. It's great to go without at the moment as she is young and they don't need them, but banning them completely is not realistic in the long term in my opinion. It's better to teach your child self control and show them what sensible limits are. A little chocolate when she is older will not harm her as part of a healthy balanced diet. Good luck - it sounds like you're doing a great job!

  7. I have a rule about chocolate too but everyone in my family is always giving my son chocolate and lollies anyway no one listens to me it pisses me off but what can you do..

    My son still loves his fruits he just had a whole heap of strawberries before..

    He is 19 months


  8. babies deffinetly dont have a need for chocolate. i think your very responsible for not giving her any.

  9. we feel the same way about our little man....actually he just doesn't react well to chocolate...even though he seems to like what others have given him. He gets a bad belly ache.  He is still our fruit man and it hasn't changed his love for his mainly fruit and yogurt diet....all by his choice...not ours...wish he would eat something else just for a mix up during the day.  Maybe next time just make a little babysitters note and stick it in the bag..such as no chocolate/sugary sweets/juice...etc.

  10. she will still eat the fruit but she won't say no to chocolates anymore because she knows how they taste!

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